Personal Statement for Nurse Practitioner Program

Published: 2023-04-01
Personal Statement for Nurse Practitioner Program
Essay type:  Personal statement
Categories:  Nursing care
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 726 words
7 min read

My decision to become a nurse was a lifelong dream from my childhood. My career choice was realized while attending community service programs because I realized that I have a strong potential to serve my community. Later, I could observe nurses caring for people, including those they barely knew in different hospitals and healthcare settings. The service they offered gave them a lot of personal satisfaction because I could see their passion, happiness, and motivation as they undertook their duties. Those nurses were given a lot of respect, love, and gratitude by not only patients but also the whole community.

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As I grew up in the village, I could understand the multiple health challenges that people underwent. I observed many individuals suffer even due to minor sicknesses because lack of somebody to assist and guide them. I then developed a strong ambition to serve the community and address all health issues that they were facing. Since then, I have always wanted to be a nurse so that I could have knowledge, skills, and ability to support and address all these challenges they faced. I have never imagined pursuing any other career apart from nursing since it is highly satisfying. It involves treating patients physically, emotionally, and psychologically compared to nursing.

I started planning and applying for nursing courses even though I knew very little about the discipline by then. However, I realized I had chosen the perfect and correct career path when I first did my LVN at Summit career college, Colton. At that time, I was sure that I had selected the right career that would allow me to help patients and make their lives better. Since then, I was able to provide patients with quality care under the supervision of a registered nurse. Some of the tasks that really impressed me include assisting patients in the hospital setting.

Then, I developed a passion for building my career and knowledge to serve the community better. That is the time the idea of advancing my studies came into my mind. I, therefore, decided to do my registered nurse (RN) at Mount San Jacinto College. The college equipped me with an educational opportunity that embodies values of caring, excellence in practice, and leadership within the nursing profession. The program also allowed me to be in a position to utilize relevant theories and research that synthesizes knowledge to guide me in the practice. More so, the college equipped me with the knowledge and skills required for serving the health needs of the community.

Also, my desire to gain more knowledge and skills to serve my community drove me to further my career. I opted to do BSN at Grand Canyon University to become a fully registered nurse. The passion for building up my capabilities to support other people forced me to take this critical step in my career. The BSN program provided me with the necessary skills for handling more responsibilities and any supervisory role in a healthcare setting. The program offered me a broader knowledge and understanding concerning the nursing practice. Therefore, as a BSN holder, I usually apply my excellent skills in providing care to patients with more complex healthcare needs. I have also gained insights required to handle and meet challenges that national and local healthcare policy presents while assisting patients in maintaining their fundamental human rights. Also, I have the necessary skills and experience to differentiate between qualitative and quantitative research, evaluate and analyze any professional nursing research. I can also utilize evidence-based research in any clinical setting. My educational background has also equipped me with the skills to lead and manage operations in any healthcare setting.

I really that God and any person who has supported me in my career journey. I feel that I am on the right path. Therefore, I have dedicated myself to serving people, especially patients, throughout. Since the year 2018, I have been working in an acute care hospital. The job is highly involving, but I am very proud of it. Nursing career is my calling, and I look forward to not only serving humanity but also mentoring any person interested in pursuing the career. Every day, no matter how tired and weary I become after working for day and night, I am always more than happy because I believe I make positive changes to the lives of people.

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