Presentation Paper Example on the Children's Curriculum

Published: 2022-04-06
Presentation Paper Example on the Children's Curriculum
Type of paper:  Presentation
Categories:  Teaching Child development
Pages: 8
Wordcount: 1991 words
17 min read

The objective of the week

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During this week, the children will acquire knowledge about the places they visit during the summer. They will also learn about the fun activities they will play while in such places.

Grade level: Pre-K

8:15-9:15 a.m Arrival of students

9:15-9:35 a.m Bathroom and Breakfast

9:35-9:55 a.m Circle Time

10:00-10:45 a.m Storytime, Playground, and Pool

10:45-11:45 a.m Group Activity or Gym

12:00 -12:30 p.m Lunch Time and Snack Time

12:35-1:15 p.m Center Time

1:20-2:15 p.m Goodbye Circle/Dismissal


8:15-9:15 a.m Arrival of students

Students arrive at the school with either their parents or school bus. The classroom consists of two teacher assistants, one aide, and one head teacher. The teacher stays in the classroom with one teacher assistant to greet the children walking in with their parents. The assistant and the aide help and greet the children arriving on the bus. The children enter the classroom and place their belongings on the cubbies. Each student recognizes their cubbies since they have labels with their respective names. The cubbies also have the pictures to help the students easily identify their cubbies. The kids are additionally in charge of taking their correspondence scratch pad/organizer, homework, and bites out of their rucksacks and setting them in the right folios as they arrive. The covers are likewise marked with words and pictures. When they have wrapped up their belongings, they commence the morning writing activity. They look for their writing notebook in the cubby and write the assignments from the teacher depending on the child's level.

9:15-9:35 a.m Bathroom and Breakfast

As of now, girls line up on one side of the room and boys on the opposite side, we have them line up to prepare to stroll to the restrooms. We do not have restroom inside our classroom. We have certain circumstances for restroom time, and we keep consistency with the time and lavatory schedule since we have kids in pull-ups that we are latrine preparing. One teacher assistant and the aide assist the girls while the other one-teacher assistant assists the boys. Two staffs take the girls since they are many as compared to the boys. There are regulations in the washroom with words and pictures about cleanliness in the restroom, the kids have discovered that after they utilize the toilets, they need to wash their hands with cleanser and water.

Children set up the tables for breakfast in partners. They know whose turn it is to be a breakfast and lunch partner by taking a gander at our assistant outline. They alternate assisting with giving out the napkins, spoons, and bowls. We likewise have a tidy up group that also cleans after the students. The cleanup crew assists the teacher aide in making sure the rest of the students clean up after themselves. They also assist the aide clean the tables and sweep.

9:35-9:55 a.m Circle Time

Circle Time- Theme for the week will be introduced to the children

Calendar- Number recognition, sound recognition, shape recognition, sequencing, patterns, and Letter.

The Weather- We will examine the midyear season, how is the climate amid this season, fun spots we can visit and fun exercises we can do amid the late spring

Weather Bear- We will spruce up Bear as indicated by the open-air climate. Does bear require a coat to go outside amid the late spring? Does bear require snow boots to go outside to the play area amid the mid-year? What sort of attire does bear should have the capacity to play in the play area?

Circle time is the time when the students interact as a learning communing. As a community, we listen to each other, share our thoughts, introduce new ideas and concepts and actively participate together. We also revise our daily schedule and discuss the books we will be listening to and reading. We talk about the scheduled activities and any changes to the daily schedule.

Mystery Box

I will put distinctive pictures of spots they can go and things they can do amid the late spring (stop, slide, outing, pool, and lemonade, net). I will likewise have the understudies say the principal letter and the sound of the letter of the photo they pick.

On Mondays, we read and listen to our book of the week, other days during the week at this time we have playground or pool. Mondays are the day when I have a warm-up activity for the book of the week. I incorporate as many activities during the center time from the book of the week. Therefore, before I show them the book, we complete our warm-up activity.

Book of the Week- Summer Days and Nights

I will be tracking the words as I read aloud. Students will actively participate by describing the things they see in the respective pictures.

10:45-11:45 a.m Group Activity or Gym

Teacher aide and assistant help the children wash hands in the classroom sink before commencing the cooking activity. The students read and discuss the book, "a little girl sitting under a tree sipping lemonade to stay refreshed." The book helps the children understand how to make lemonade to stay refreshed and to learn the steps of effectively making lemonade. The materials and ingredients include water, lemons, bowl, sugar, spoons, measuring cup, measuring spoons and a lemon squeezer.

12:00 -12:30 p.m Lunch Time and Snack Time

Children set up the tables for lunch in pairs. They set up the tables in different turns of pairs and give out spoons, bowls, and napkins. The cleanup crew helps in cleaning processes. The teacher tells the students to chew with a closed mouth and to ask politely for food. Amid mealtime, the kids likewise pick up freedom by having them serve themselves and pour their beverages, attempt nourishments they might not have attempted previously, and furthermore talking about emotions, encounters, and plans.

12:35-1:15 p.m Center Time

The teacher engages the children in courses related to the theme of the week. The dramatic center is the time when the children sell the lemonade they made. Students ask questions during this period. Students need materials such as cups, lemonade, jug and cash register. During the sensory center, students play with water and sand. They fish letter in the water. They identify all the labeled letters and recognize different sounds. They use materials such as handy scoopers, fishing rods, and magnetic letters. They dig in the sand and look for the hidden shells. The center requires materials such as shovels, handy coopers, shells, and sand. Children create stand frames for the lemonade at the art center. The library center involves encouraging the students to read, listen and look the books related to the summer.

1:45-2:10 p.m Goodbye Circle/Dismissal

A goodbye circle leads to the peaceful end of the day. All the students gather up and conduct a brief activity before the dismissal. Ask students questions related to the day's activities and theme of the day. Each student answers the questions in a circle and states their favorite part of the day. The teacher assistant and the guide then helps the students get their backpack and then go for dismissal.


8:15-8:45 a.m Arrival/Writing Assignment

8:45:9:15 a.m Storytime/Playground/Pool

9:15-9:45 a.m Bathroom/story time

11:45 a.m-12:30 p.m Lunch Time/Snack Time

12:45-1:15 p.m Whole Group Activity

Teacher assistant and teacher aide assist students to change into the swimming wear for the pool time.

8:45:9:15 a.m Storytime/Playground/Pool

Both the teachers and the children go to the pool. Trained therapists work with the children in the aquatic center and provide unique therapeutic experiences for the children.

9:15-9:45 a.m Bathroom/story time

During bathroom time, children are just coming from the pool and need to change them from the swimming costumes. The teachers will be assisting students who require assistance to be changed while in the bathroom. I will then remind the children of the ice-cream making process during the center time.

11:45 a.m-12:30 p.m Lunch Time/Snack Time

The children refer to the Monday descriptions for lunchtime schedule.

11:15-12:25 p.m Whole Group Activity

Children will participate in cooking ice cream for the summer season and remain refreshed for the season since it is very hot. The cooking process entails ingredients such as cream, vanilla, sugar, salt, ziplock bags and small containers.


8:30-9:00 a.m Arrival/Writing Assignment

9:00-9:15 a.m Bathroom

9:15-9:45 a.m Breakfast

9:45-10:15 a.m Circle Time

8:30-9:00 a.m Arrival/Writing Assignment

Refer to Monday for a description

9:45-10:15 a.m Circle Time

I will talk to the students and inform them that on Wednesdays we go to the play area. We will examine the fun exercises we will do amid our play area time. We will likewise talk about our play area rules, so we could all be sheltered.

10:15-10:30 a.m Bathroom

As of now, the instructor colleagues and assistant teacher are helping the kids that are getting wet change into their swimwear for sprinklers. The teacher guides the students in changing the wet dresses and putting on regular dresses. Students also refer to Monday for description.

10:30-11:00 a.m Storytime/Playground/Pool

Setting off to the play area will take a portion of the ideas the understudies learned in school about fun spots they can go and fun exercises they can do amid the mid-year, into a certifiable ordeal. The advantages of outdoor play are a type of activity that advances great physical improvement; it likewise enables them to investigate their condition, create muscle quality and coordination, and increase self-assurance. It also increases the creativity of the students. It helps the students and teachers forge a close relationship that facilitates proper learning.

11:00-11:45 a.m Bathroom/Cool off Time/Story Time

Amid this time we are rolling in from the play area, a few kids should be changed into their general garments. The instructor colleagues will help the understudies that should be changed in the washroom. I will remain in the classroom and will quickly read the book of the week to the next kids. As I am reading aloud, the guest instructor will give some water to the youngsters so they could relax and to ensure the environment is conducive since it is a hot season. As the other kids stroll in, the assistant teacher will likewise furnish them with some water.

11:45 a.m-12:30 p.m Lunch Time/Snack Time

Refer to Monday for a description

1:45-2:10 p.m Goodbye Circle/Dismissal

Refer to Monday for a description


I will talk to the children about the picnic we will be having at the playground with friends and family. I will then inform the children about the activities we will conduct during the picnic. The children would then list the activities they want to participate in.

10:15-10:30 a.m Bathroom (Refer to Monday for a description)

The teacher aide and the assistant help the children change their swim costumes.

11:00-2:00 p.m Family Picnic Time

The whole school participates in the outdoor family picnic events. The event provides the opportunity to say thank you to the children and parents and eventually say goodbye.

2:00-2:10 p.m Bathroom/Dismissal

The teacher aide and the assistant aid the children getting wet to change into regular clothing. I then dismiss the rest of the students.


Students have a trip to the adventurer's amusement park. The students visit the concession and purchase the treats. The trip converts the knowledge learned by students in the classroom into reality. The assistant and aide stand to the student's side and watches if the student is not willing to take a ride. The teacher assistant and aid assist the children in getting off and on the rides. The trip is fundamental since it helps students develop creative and critical skills required to convert the theoret...

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Presentation Paper Example on the Children's Curriculum. (2022, Apr 06). Retrieved from

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