Essay Sample on Pro-life vs. Abortion

Published: 2023-10-15
Essay Sample on Pro-life vs. Abortion
Essay type:  Argumentative essays
Categories:  Women Abortion Social issue
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 866 words
8 min read

Scientifically, women carry the pregnancy and give birth to beautiful human beings who then grow old to become great citizens. The religious angle is that God created Adam and eve and then gave Eve the ability to give birth and procreate (Bachiochi, 2011). The question of life has both scientific and religious views and thus the debate on pro-choice who support abortion and pro-life those who do not support abortion. The right to life should always guide the decisions made concerning the unborn child. I support the right to life for the unborn fetus.

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Women should reserve the right to decide what happen with their body. The pro-choice advocates hold that no law should force them to carry a pregnancy if they are unwilling. However, it is critical to realize that the unborn child has rights too. The question to the argument is if life begins at birth or during conception (Bachiochi, 2011). Life begins at conception, and the benefit of the doubt to the debate should be about preserving the unborn child's life.

Abortion, in the end, does not free a woman. The sole purpose of procuring an abortion is to free a woman from the economic and social burden that she may face by letting grow and give birth. The debate falls on these two areas since other medical grounds are allowed by law, and nobody has a problem with them. The problem is procuring an abortion at will. The economic factors will remain an issue whether the woman procures an abortion or not if the system does not address the real economic problems facing the person (Bachiochi, 2011). The woman will be burdened by the guilt feeling and may not enjoy the sense of freedom by aborting. Society should cater to the woman's needs during and after pregnancy. Allowing a woman to procure an abortion and still allowing a community that does not make an effort to help a pregnant woman is not the solution. If abortion is not made easy, then governments would invest more resources meant to empower women and children (Bachiochi, 2011).

Abortion promotes the sidestepping of women's rights. If a woman is raped and gets pregnant, the problem is not the unborn child but the society that never protected the woman from being raped. Women who cannot afford food and later become pregnant, the problem is not the pregnancy but the inability to provide food (Bachiochi, 2011). These are the societal problems that should be addressed but not support for abortion to terminate a life that was only a consequence of not solving the issues that face the women every day in a male-dominated society (Rose, 2011).

Not all women support abortion. Some feminist movements argue that the feminist principle of non-violence justice and respect for life should always prevail. Abortion goes against these feminist principles. The fetus's right to life is also protected by the feminist laws of non-violence and respect for life (Rose, 2011). The unborn child could be a woman. She deserves the same protection from the feminist movements just like adult women. Abortion is sometimes seen as the advancement of the male plot not to take financial responsibility for the unborn child but continue to enjoy wild sex (Bachiochi, 2011).

Pro-choice advocates argue that the unborn child isn't a person with a life that is meaningful. That perception is subjective and biased. Being a human being is defined from the point of conception as one grows into a fully functioning human being. It is impossible then to detach the fetus from the human species until birth. Abortion should not be procured because the fetus is not fully functioning human beings (Alcorn, 2009). Scientifically, it has been proven that even fetuses have functional brains. It is wrong for powerful individuals with the tools and ability to make decisions to determine whether the life of others is meaningful or not. Every person's life is significant and should not be terminated (Alcorn, 2009).

Pro-choice advocates contend that even if life begins at conception, the rights of the woman who has more responsibilities outweigh the rights of the unborn child. Women should thus be allowed to abort at will without legal restrictions (Alcorn, 2009). However, the question of rights should not be about who has more rights than the other. Life is paramount, and no right supersedes the right to life. The unborn child should not die as well as the woman. Once it has been agreed that the unborn child is a human being just like the adult woman, the right to life is settled. Every human being deserves to live their life to the fullness of time (Rose, 2011).


Every human being, including the unborn fetus, has a right to live. No woman should have the right to terminate the life of the unborn child. The government and the community should help the pregnant won have the pregnancy and deliver the baby to a safe environment that is supportive of the woman and the child.


Alcorn, R. (2009). Pro-life answers to pro-choice arguments. Multnomah.

Bachiochi, E. (2011). Embodied equality: Debunking equal protection arguments for abortion rights. Harv. JL & Pub. Pol'y, 34, 889.

Rose, M. (2011). Pro-life, pro-woman? Frame extension in the American antiabortion movement. Journal of Women, Politics & Policy, 32(1), 1-27.

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