Paper Sample: Problems Confronted By the Freight Project

Published: 2023-03-02
Paper Sample: Problems Confronted By the Freight Project
Type of paper:  Case study
Categories:  Professional development Strategic management Business strategy
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1118 words
10 min read

The e-AWB faces a myriad of challenges in the process f its implementation. Some of these challenges have been mitigated in the past but not completely. The challenges are a reason for the shortfall in its targeted achievement of 62% of the industrial penetration. As I am now, the process only covers up to 52.2% of the total freight area.

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Regulatory Constraints

Several regulatory constraints hamper the effective implementation of the e-AWB freight targets. These regulations are beyond the control of the project. Such issues as the mobility regulation constraints have made it quite challenging for the coordination and effective running of the planning and the implementation of the whole project (Sauv, 2019). Lack of effective connectivity between freight modes due to stern regulations is a challenge to contend with. There is also the need for the implementation of some of the principal internal and external factors that have seen the rise in the difficulty of implementation of the e-freight project.

The internet regulatory framework has also hurt the rate of implementation for the e-freight project. For instance, there is difficulty in the total shift from the paperless mode of transaction to a paperless operation. It remains, therefore, the role of the innovators to engage the government towards regulatory control.

Lack of Harmonization

As a new paperless freight management system, there is poor coordination between the AWB and the forward and the back office. The connection between the freight and the airline industry remains a matter of big concern for the industry (Cheng, 2007). There is a need to harmonize the operation of the airline department with the people on the ground as a way of ensuring a smooth transition of activities.

Technology limitation

The e-AWB project is a total technology-dependent project. Most of the SMEs that it seeks to serve do not have a strong technical background that would see its full implementation to the benefit of the users. There is a lack of a technical framework that would enable them to transfer data online and promptly. Some of the large freight companies have problems with connecting their branches to the internet and the World Wide Web, thus the challenge of effective communication as well as reduced efficiency (Sauv, 2019).

Complex Process

There is an overall perception of the e-AWB project as a large complex, and that is dependent on the cooperation of large airlines. It is, therefore, a reason for concern going by the fact that multiple airlines are required to see its success.

Maturity Threshold

There is a clear challenge with the maturity duration whereby some markets achieve the required level of maturity much later than others. The non-uniformity in the level of maturity whereby most of the airlines and big freight companies have already achieved the needed level of maturity (Sauv, 2019). It is, therefore, a big challenge for e-AWB to break into this rich market and compete effectively with these trendsetters in the industry.

Ways of Solving the Problems Confronted By the E-Freight Project

Expand the Number of Trade Lanes

There is a need for the government to play a role in the creation of sufficient space for operators to run both the e-freight and the e-AWB. The expanded space will be able to accommodate the ground, airline, and sea freight activities (Sauv, 2019). Various stakeholders must also play a part in the establishment of such space to ensure that they are not left aside in terms of improved performances.

Harmonize e-AWB Procedures in Key Airports across Forwarders Airlines/GHA

The coordination of activities in a uniform manner with surely see the improvement of the operational business in the entire freight business. In some cases, there is a need to ensure that the e-AWB complements the list of e-freight at e-airports. The need for standard operations procedure (SOP) for e-freights in key airports and regions is needed t ensure the effectiveness of the whole program (Cheng, 2007).

Facilitate Adoption by SME Forwarders

Due to the imbalance in the trade and business operational scope, there is needed to facilitate the SMEs towards the path of recognition and adoption of the SOPs. Launching of an SOP desktop and machines will help them be part of the endeavors seeking to digitalize the e-freight business (Sauv, 2019). SMEs are known to provide almost permanent solutions to the business challenges that exist in the freight industry.

Provide Implementation Guidance and Materials

The need for a standard playbook for the e-AWB is almost urgent. The implementation book will also act as a guide and provide further directions towards the right path that should be followed in as far as coming up with effective solutions to the challenges of implementing e-AWB. The lay book must encompass both the airline, ground, and sea freight channels (Cheng, 2007).

Coordination Efforts of Industry in Key Airports

The e-AWB project needs strengthening from all angles as a way of ensuring that it remains strong and viable in the long run. The coordination of the various sectors of the freight operation is, therefore, a critical path towards the attainment of this goal. The most viable way is the deployment of the e-AWB360 initiative in addition to the already existing airport in Europe. The inclusion of e-AWB36 will help in providing further direction on the right course of action that needs to be taken in relevance to achieving the fully viable e-AWB project (Sauv, 2019).

The Lessons Learned From the E-Freight Project

The e-AWB has provided a lot of insightful lessons from the various lessons achieved. There is indeed no limit to the developments that can be introduced in the freight operations. The e-AWB is an eye-opener as complementary to the already existing wealth of ideas and customer satisfaction. I have learned of the need to harmonize operations in the freight business as a means to ensure that there are minimal delays, reduced losses and increased staff efficiency at all sectors. Also, there exists a bigger need to ensure that the supplier ideas are incorporated when designing ways to improve e-freight services. By this, it means that businesses must be certain about the interests of the SMEs who are a very important part of the entire e-freight business operation. Finally, I have gathered that for any digital innovation to be implemented in the industry, and it is important to ensure that the professionals who are vast with IT are included. This is as evidenced in the 6 step implementation phases for the e-AWB project. Therefore, there is no room for error when implementing the e-AWB project and any other digital project. In a nutshell, the e-AWB project is very viable as long as the right steps and procedures are followed, all the challenges notwithstanding.


Cheng. (2007). International Journal of Logistics, 10:4, 333-349

Sauv, D. (2019). e-AWB Implementation Playbook. StB Cargo

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