Reasons for Measuring Health Behaviors. Free Essay

Published: 2023-01-18
Reasons for Measuring Health Behaviors. Free Essay
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Human behavior Healthcare policy Community health
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 605 words
6 min read

Health behaviors are the primary reason for sickness and death in America today. This information helps in the determination of the general wellbeing practices at the national and state levels. This determination requires significant amounts of data to give accurate assessments at the close range. With changes in telephone use, innovative procedures to assemble data on health behaviors, for instance, in human administration settings or through Internet-based reviews, ought to be made.

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Methods of Measuring Smoking Behaviors among Adolescents

The estimation of the well-being practices of teenagers is vital for program masterminding and appraisal. For program orchestration, assessments of the power of current hazard dynamics can be used to set needs or to consider degrees across systems. For example, to give progressively dependable appraisals, the Health Rankings of Wisconsin County merges data accumulated over seven years from BRFSS to take a gander at the health behavior rates over all of the areas in the state. Strangely, progressively particular methods are required when evaluating changes in well-being practices after some time. For example, a 95% estimation of behavior patterns might be adequate to assess the predictability of smoking in people (Mokdad & Remington, 2010). This estimation may not be sufficient to show changes in rates of smoking after some time due to changing patterns of behavior. Attempts to compensate systems for better health results would necessitate accurate assessments of well-being practices so that inspiring powers can be solidly associated with the execution of ventures or project plans.

A fundamental precept of exhaustive research on tobacco smoking conduct is the precise and reliable evaluation of cigarette use behaviors. The more significant part of existing research depends on smokers' review reports of the standard number of cigarettes that they use every day. This measure is frequently used to allocate people to specific treatment conditions, to anticipate smoking results, as a rule for study consideration, and furthermore as a correspondence of rates of exposure to smoke toxicants (Kelly & Barker, 2016). Another technique for constant smoking behavior estimation is cigarette butt gathering, in which smokers store butts from every cigarette smoked for later evaluation and analysis at the research center. Smoking behavior, as estimated by cigarette butt accumulation, has appeared to vary altogether according to worldwide self-reports, which show that smokers overestimate their normal number of cigarettes used by day by roughly two to three cigarettes. Also, cigarette butt accumulation might be a more substantial way of determining smoking behavior than a common self-report.

Importance of Health Behavior Measurement in Program Planning

It is true to say that the estimation of human well-being behaviors helps in program planning. The explanation behind this is that information about applicable practices in populaces, people or their surroundings considers the advancement of viable well-being advancement programs that add to improved well-being results. These results include more beneficial ways of life, increasingly successful well-being administrations, and more beneficial health situations as well as diminished dismalness, incapacity, expanded future, utilitarian autonomy, and personal satisfaction. Also, changes to health behavior results are probably going to happen over a period of time after the general assessments have been done. Hence, when surveying the impacts of well-being advancement programs, the more immediate changes in populaces, people or their surroundings are considered. These progressions are known as effects, and they reflect high adequacy in the planning of effective health programs.


Kelly, M. P., & Barker, M. (2016). Why is changing health-related behavior so difficult? Public health, 136, 109-116. Retrieved from

Mokdad, A. H., & Remington, P., (2010). Measuring health behaviors in populations. Preventing chronic disease, 7(4). Retrieved from

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Reasons for Measuring Health Behaviors. Free Essay. (2023, Jan 18). Retrieved from

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