Promoting a New Product through Mass and Targeted Media

Published: 2023-05-22
Promoting a New Product through Mass and Targeted Media
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Leadership analysis Strategy Education Religion Family
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 610 words
6 min read

The new slippers introduced into the market by Spysnat are their pioneers into the footwear business. The engineers and designers have put in the best techniques to ensure the product is the best in the market and are produced from recycled plastic waste, thus aiding in environmental conservation. Even though Spysnat has been in the market for many years selling clothes, venturing into selling slippers requires proper marketing strategies to make the product known to the customers and also win their trust. Promoting and marketing of the new sandals through mass and targeted media using the correct approach and techniques will help familiarize the customers with the product and establish a good clientele.

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Selling a new product can be tough since customers tend to only buy products from their favorite's brands which are familiar to them. Therefore, promoting products through the right channel is essential in being competitive and determining the success achieved in sales. Targeted media refers to marketing to a specific group of consumers intended to use the product. At the same time, mass media is a means of communication explicitly designed to reach a broad audience. Both mass and targeted media promotion get achieved through advertising through online, radio, television, newspapers, and billboards, among others (Dwilson). Being new in the shoe industry, Spysnat can apply the following techniques to promote slippers.

The first technique is the use of the social media platform in advertising the slippers. The company should place adverts on social media platforms, for example, Facebook and Instagram. With the target market being the youths, this method is likely to work effectively since most young people spend most of their free time browsing through social media. The advertisements can get accompanied by a message to conserve our environment. With the slippers made from recycled plastics, the initiative to produce something that promotes conservation will attract more attention and recognition for the efforts made. Many people are in support of taking care of our environment; hence they would want to be a part of the initiative by buying the slippers to show their support.

The crowdsourcing technique, which is very valuable in the shoe industry entails using customers and fans to market shoes to the public. Spysnat can engage their customers to share videos of their slippers or comment something about them. By using this method, more people are likely to get aware about the product and want to buy it. The customers sharing the videos can get rewarded with an extra pair of slippers as a token of appreciation. The method is an excellent example of target advertising.

Lastly, the use of mixed media can help in the mass promotion of the slippers. The market has now days gotten fragmented with consumers in distinctive groups resolving to varied media choices as the source of information (Dwilson). Furthermore, since spysnat has already established itself in the market, the use of a variety of forms of media would help reach all the customers and inform them of their new slippers. Newspapers, television and radio advertisements, brochures and billboards will all prove significant in establishing clientele for the sandals.

In conclusion, Promoting and marketing of the new slippers through mass and targeted media using the correct approach and techniques will help familiarize the customers with the product and establish a good clientele. The use of social media platforms, as well as mixed media, can help in reaching out to potential customers. Crowdsourcing is also another method which can prove useful in promoting the slippers to the target customers.

Work Cited

Dwilson, Stephanie. "Marketing Techniques for the Shoe Industry". Smallbusiness.Chron.Com, 2020, Accessed 17 Apr 2020.

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Promoting a New Product through Mass and Targeted Media. (2023, May 22). Retrieved from

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