Public Reviews, Free Essay Example for You

Published: 2022-09-26
Public Reviews, Free Essay Example for You
Type of paper:  Research paper
Categories:  Community Public policy Policy analysis
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1270 words
11 min read

For centuries New York City has faced social issues, for example, racial conflicts, poverty, high rates of crime, and high rates of unemployment among others (Hertz). These issues have been a menace since they have increased the City's budget year in and out on programs that pertain to food, shelter, clothing, security, and medical insurance covers (NACCHO 1). Majorly, the rates of segregation in the City have also influenced the social disparities since most of the minorities are unemployed (Rosenberg, Groves and Blankenship 134). It is common knowledge on the high standards of immigrants in New York City; thus, the population of people of color to the whites roughly rates to 5-to-3 (Childress). And at these high rates, the immigration process still continuous; therefore, placing the City into more economic and social issues. Ideally, the political structure of the City is not helping as well, since the minority communities lack adequate and competent leaders to ensure that they are treated, and they can exercise their rights (Hertz). Such incidences have brought about different stereotypes that have increased the rates of crime since each is on the race of survival. With such action and neglect of the City structure, such questions have been asked, for example, what role can the public play in ensuring the recovery of the City's safety? The scope of the paper will examine and outline the benefits of creating healthy policing strategies, practices, and systems in New York through enhancing public reviews.

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To enhance and reduce the rates of crime in the City there is the need for a change from social, to economic, and political policing about the minority communities; thus, the people of color. Policymakers are some of the essential people in the City and as well as the United States of America (Childress). Their approach and stereotype about the people of color need to change by first, accepting these individuals as equals in the population system and refute from creating policies that discriminate, oppress and reduces their values as human beings. According to research, the African-Americans, Latinos, and Hispanics are the majority of the population in New York City, yet they lead in the events such as crime and drug abuse since the political and social realm has no place for them (Hertz). A policy such as the war on drugs is not ideal for such a population. Drug abusers need to be cared for through medical means; thus, admitted in rehabilitation centers rather than incarceration (NACCHO 5). They need to be given an opportunity to conquer their fears and be productive in life. Giving such people a chance can be very agile to the economic accountability of the City since they will have the opportunity to address their communities and help in promoting accommodating and safe environments within the City (Rosenberg, Groves and Blankenship). Moreover, policies need to focus on strategies of building the nation by offering opportunities to the minority since it is indicated that they occupy approximately sixty percent of the U.S workforce and through that, the government revenues will enhance better accounting of the City's budget.

For various reasons, the public has wondered about the rates of crime rates in New York City. The most amazing elements needed to ensure safety and prosperity is by providing the law enforcement agencies receives the required equipment and technique, such as implementing the (POP) also known as the Problem-orient policing. It is an analytical system that can be used by the police to prevent and reduce crime by analyzing the community issues, searching for the problem, and analyzing and evaluating the impact of the problem. POP is a system that represents the law-enforcement agency-led efforts in creating change within the hot spots of that attract much crime. Additionally, it is ideal since the police focus on the traditional methods and considers various approaches on how to handle the rate of crimes in such locations. The implementation of this system can take multiple platforms depending on the problem, but its main procedure follows four steps, scanning, analysis, response, and assessment. It provides an ideal manner of tackling cases rather than responding to crime scenes and arresting the minority communities associated with the crime. The scanning process relies on the identities and the priority provided for a problem in a specific jurisdiction; thus, each police sector knows where to operate and when not to (The 139).

Moreover, it also enhances in involving the community to identify the issues at hand by determining its frequency. The second approach is on the analysis of the question; it promotes the gathering of evidence data and analyzing it to learn more about the problem the community is facing. Also, the police narrow the scope of the problem and extend their evaluation towards figuring out the affected population and an effective way of responding to the issue at hand. The next step enhances on the response of the law enforcement agency with the help of the community to figure out one or two strategies of responding or intervening to the specific problem; thus, the outline of such an attempt of response dwells on the strategic planning on how to solve the issue without creating commotion in the City. Finally, the assessment phase involves evaluating the intervention and its effectiveness towards handling the problem. With such a system, the police extend their obligation towards affecting the communities and ensuring that not only one neighborhood is protected but the entire City. It also creates a cordial relationship between the police and the society in that they are not afraid to share their perceptions (The

To conclude, New York City is a state that has the resources and capabilities to provide all the basic needs for its residence but only if the right approaches are taken. It is a fact the racial conflicts, political policies and poverty have driven the rise of crime rates in this state, but there is still hope for reducing such the violence and segregation among communities. First, the policymakers need not see the immigrants as liabilities but establish them as strengths of the town. They need to initiate appropriate laws to promote equality and equity among its residents. It is proven that immigrants occupy almost half of the U.S workforce and they are very instrumental in entrepreneurship skills that can establish additional employment opportunities. With the ability of offering these group opportunities, the City stands a chance of improving on its economic capabilities. Also, they are instrumental since they pay their taxes and manage to be creative enough as a way of building the nation. Once establishing such strengths, the community and policymakers need to initiate policies that treat each as equals as they figure out on means of reducing poverty and racial conflicts. Finally, the POP can help establish an ideal relationship between the police and communities; thus, reduce crime rates.

Work Cited

Childress, Sarah. Michelle Alexander: "A System of Racial and Social Control". 29 April 2014. <>. Accessed on 30 October 2018.

Hertz, D. K. How segregated is New York City? 4 April 2014. <>. Accessed on 30 October 2018

NACCHO. "Statement Policy: Mass Incarceration and Racism." National Association of County and City Health Officials (n.d): 1-8.

Rosenberg, Alana, Allison K. Groves and Kim M. Blankenship. "Comparing Black and White Drug Offenders: Implications for Racial Disparities in Criminal Justice and Reentry Policy and Programming." Journal of Drug Issues (2017): 47(1): 132-142.

The (n.d). Practice Profile: Problem-Oriented Policing. Retrieved, from The Crime Solution Government Website: Accessed on November 1, 2018

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