Reopening Schools With or Without Mask? - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-12-26
Reopening Schools With or Without Mask? - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  School Healthcare Covid 19
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 580 words
5 min read

Recent updates from various bodies associated with research have been on whether it would be appropriate to reopen schools even as COVID-19 cases continue to rise. Among these bodies is the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, which has encountered more hate and public support. This paper reports about liberal and conservatives established concerning school reopening with high-risk exposure to COVID-19 at school to administration, teachers, parents, and children.

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According to Amanda Capritto, whether schools should be reopened for children and teachers' safety and the rise in COVID-19 cases states that the stakeholders are in anguish whether to reopen schools, and if not, then what needs to be done. Besides, some families feel that students will have to adapt to the distance learning while other schools would organize hybrid planning where students would spend some time in school physically, and others have some learning from home.

The article states that this is an issue that should not be taken lightly since reopening schools might come with massive risks to reopening schools because, in the long run, there is a need to know how schools and families can stay safe. COVID-19 would be contracted very fast in school, exposing the teachers, eventually the risk of kids bringing the virus home.

Dr. Sanborn records that children might not be responsible for spreading the SARS-CoV-2 virus as compared to adults. Also, the spiking of the infection rates in some regions seems to be a great concern regarding the reopening of schools, as Dr. Sanborn states.

Epidemiologist Sunetra states that one should do the opposite of all precautions established by teachers, political leaders, scientific notions, and college presidents. The elderly or persons who tend to be vulnerable should be cautious enough to wear a mask. Further says that an individual should not be careful to endanger the vulnerable but should expose themselves to the virus to promote herd immunity.

Gupta also suggests that teachers and students who are vulnerable should have n option to go online while the rest does not worry much because the virus is not bigger than other risks encountered in life. An assumption made by the imperial computer model that the larger population has not yet been exposed to the exceptional virus; thus, lockdowns tend to be a suitable method of voiding mass casualties. On the other hand, Gupta's model had an assumption that the majority of persons were already exposed to the virus without serious complications. This made lockdowns insignificant since other regions were developing herd immunity.

Officials from the World Health Organization and National Institutes of health disregarded the strategy of depending upon the herd immunity. Particularly, Anthony Fauci, responsible for the advice, claimed that such an action would lead to a massive number of deaths, approximately 10 million. A report from Avik Roy indicates that American children below 14 years of age have limited risks of dying from COVID-19 than risks of dying from the flu or pneumonia.

Gupta reports that, with the COVID-19 isolation strategies, which are companion with lots of virtues and self-righteousness. Nevertheless, the costs tend to be very high for the poor and the young around the world. Gupta finds it intolerable for teachers to request youths to give up in such a significant development phase. Thus, it finally says that if every other person is willing to provide care to the vulnerable, they would be responsible for the minimum personal risk.

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Reopening Schools With or Without Mask? - Essay Sample. (2023, Dec 26). Retrieved from

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