Report on Leadership Insights: Nehemiah's Strategy, Ezra's Teachings, and Personal Contribution Impact

Published: 2024-01-15
Report on Leadership Insights: Nehemiah's Strategy, Ezra's Teachings, and Personal Contribution Impact
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Teaching Leadership analysis Personality
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1034 words
9 min read

Leadership Journal 1

There are several measures that Nehemiah used to get things done. The first one is a negotiation. He used his skills to tell the people the essence of building the wall. It makes the people more intrinsically motivated and work from the heart rather than based on the laws that have been set up. Nehemiah explained to the King that the wall would be an essential part of Israel and that it would be a sign that the nation was well protected. He explained his strategy in the actions of the other leaders who would join him in his quest. The negotiation skills were also seen as very high with explanations that made the people wish they were part of their plans. In addition to that, Nehemiah followed the law, and order s was expected of him. He asked the King's permission as he built the trample a show of the rules of earth were being followed.

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Moreover, he was a wise strategist. The plans helped him see any fault that came his way, such as the opposition from the kings who ruled before him. In his plan, he also managed to mitigate the mistakes and develop a better way to get to his goals. The man had a very elaborate strategy. He could plan very well to achieve his goal in a given time. He also sought any assistance that could aid in him reaching his goal earlier. An example of the above is when he sought protection from Tkin as he built the wall. It shows that he was ready to accept the influence of outside help. Even though the help was denied, the man survived and made the wall complete quickly. Finally, Nehemiah got things done by praying and having faith in the Lord. Being a prophet of the Lord, he was a man who developed a very strong sense of faith and religion. His faith may have attracted many people to follow the commands of the Lord. They may have also learned that the God that Nehemiah worshipped was more powerful and, therefore, more attracted to him. Many people gained a lot from the actions of Nehemiah. He also made the mark as one of the most influential prophets in the Old Testament.

Leadership Journal 2

Ezra was one of the scribes and prophets who existed for a duration near that of Nehemiah. He taught the law of the Lord and helped in building the knowledge of the people of Israel. His teachings played an essential role among the children of Israel. To begin with, it passed knowledge about the law of the Lord. Israelites had been through a rough time with many idol gods seeking a lot of the time that the Israelites were in. The people had been confused about the law that they needed to follow to become true followers of the Lord. The prophet, therefore, taught them what the teachings of the Lord required of them. It also served to affirm that the Lord of Israel did not tolerate some aspects such as polytheism. The people, therefore, understood what was required of them in terms of their religion. The more people understood the law of the Lord, the more they turned to true Judaism. Ezra also taught the people the essence of proper relations with each other. It served to enhance the relations that the Israelites had between themselves. The Israelites needed to stick to the bond they had with each other if the tribe was to keep getting better. In teaching the rules of proper bonding, the Israelites remained a strong nation that could stand its neighbors and behave like one unit whenever they were needed to.

The books that Ezra taught were also an essential part of the community also taught the people proper means that they can use to reach their God. By teaching the people the best measures that they can use to worship, the people could find favor in the eyes of God. In this way, they could get the blessings of the Lord, which led to the success of the people. Religion was also one of the uniting factors of the Israelite Kingdom. This is because all the people who shared a common religious background would congregate in temples and other worship places to interact with each other. In addition to that, the law taught against the oppression of the poor since it led to the degradation of other people in the community. The people also felt better under the leadership of a scribe who seemed to have his priorities set right.

Leadership Journal 3

Personal contribution is an essential aspect of any organization. To begin with, it shows that one is interested in the organization that they are in. Looking at an example, personal contribution involves playing the role that one is allocated. In doing so, one shows that they have accepted the given authority and acknowledged that they are part of that organization. Apart from that, it shows one's commitment to accomplishing the set goals of an organization. When people show personal contribution, they also strive toward the achievement of their goals. In most workplaces today, the division of labor is the most likely cause of action. In such a case, the people work towards a central goal. By accepting to play your role, the objectives of the organization are met. In some cases, also, personal commitment makes the goals achieved in a shorter time than they had planned for. It happens especially when the people put in extra hours into the work.

After the accomplishment of the set goals, the celebration is the mark of the accomplishments. It helps motivate people towards their next goals and even makes them feel appreciated. Looking at an example, when the people of a given organization are ranked as most hardworking, they are likely to perform even better due to the achievement. The celebration also removes the tense environment that existed in the workplace. In some organizations, people may go for a long before they have a break. In such instances, celebrations help the people have a proper break from the work they have been in all the time.

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Report on Leadership Insights: Nehemiah's Strategy, Ezra's Teachings, and Personal Contribution Impact. (2024, Jan 15). Retrieved from

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