Report Sample on Cross-Cultural Communication for Law Enforcement

Published: 2024-01-20
Report Sample on Cross-Cultural Communication for Law Enforcement
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Law Community Intercultural communication
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 609 words
6 min read

It is vital that states in the United States deal with and find solutions to the various challenges encountered regarding intergroup relations. Community policing must get established to provide a working relationship between the community and the police. The presence of a diverse police force increases the likelihood of improved policing. Such is the case because culturally competent police officers will efficiently handle all the community’s unique issues, such as hate crimes. Integration of culturally diverse police officers, for instance, having gay police officers is especially significant in lesbian and gay communities. Such will be especially significant because the majority of these communities have strained relationships with the police. It is the case because the LGBTG communities believe that the police view them as deviants and therefore don’t get equal rights. Therefore, the majority of the victims in the LGBTQ do not report instances of crime.

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Therefore, police officers identifying as gay and lesbians will foster communication with the residents, increase crime reporting, and decrease crime instances. Law enforcement agencies should develop task forces that propagate continuous dialogue with community members. For instance, public forums will be crucial in providing a platform for law enforcement and the community to identify ways of improving security. One of these includes the development of community-based policies and principles. The Jim Crow mass incarceration highlights the various ways by which law enforcement and the judicial system practice racial profiling. Such has increased the rates of mass incarceration. Such is because of the increase in the number of plea bargains and minimum sentences. There are several hate crime laws addressed to the LGBTQ community. The federal laws are critical in providing different causes of action for the various victims of hate crimes. States enact state laws to prevent hate crimes. One of the statues developed to include the penalty enhancements statues—the violence against women act (VAMA), which prohibits violence against immigrant women.

Racial profiling conducted by law enforcement officers results in various direct effects on the minority groups such as blacks, Arab Americans, and Hispanics. Racial profiling refers to any actions initiated by the police regarding a person’s action, which drives the police to identify a particular individual as a criminal activity participant. A formal profile refers to a document that explicitly identifies the criteria that guide police officers’ decision-making. The formal profile is developed depending on the information collected, which illustrates a particular trend. On the other hand, an informal profile depends on the officers’ personal experiences that get used for assessing individuals. These are more common in comparison to the formal profiles. Law enforcement officers must avoid racial profiling, which occasionally leads to innocent individuals’ conviction and death.

The law enforcement officers demonstrate increased contact with different groups such as gangs, the homeland, and the individuals who have psychological disorders. Such is the case because the different groups are associated with different destructive behaviors. For instance, gangs usually are responsible for conducting criminal activities. Homeless individuals are responsible for numerous of the loitering complaints. Law enforcement must learn of the diversity existing between the individuals who are homeless. Such will be crucial in safeguarding against stereotypes.

The learning activities will significantly affect my work and practice. As an individual practicing criminal law, I have learned the significance of cultural competence at my workplace. Adopting cultural competence will ensure that I provide effective services to my clients despite their race. I have also learned the significance of practicing diversity and preventing known stereotypes from affecting my work. Such will be vital to prevent me from engaging in actions that promote racial profiling.

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Report Sample on Cross-Cultural Communication for Law Enforcement. (2024, Jan 20). Retrieved from

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