Scientific Writing for Expert audience: Assignment scoring criteria

Published: 2022-11-23
Scientific Writing for Expert audience: Assignment scoring criteria
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Culture Research Analysis
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 743 words
7 min read

Quality Criteria No/Limited Proficiency Milestone 1 1 Some Proficiency Milestone 2 2 Proficient Milestone3 3 High Proficiency Capstone 4

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Identifies and achieves assessement goals Reader cannot determine thesis & purpose. Fails to accomplish

goals of the assignment Thesis and purpose are not well defined and vague Minimally accomplishes the goals of the assignment Thesis and purpose are fairly clear and interesting. Effectively accomplishes the goals of the assignment Thesis and purpose are clear Is thought provoking. Near perfectly accomplishes

the goals of the assignment


Organisation supports thesis and purpose Unclear organisation Organisational plan is inappropriate to thesis. Ideas are disjointed with no clear transition Some signs of logical organisation. No interconnectivity evident in plan. May have abrupt or illogical shifts and ineffective idea flow Organisation supports thesis and purpose. A single connected plan is provided Transitions are mostly appropriate Idea Flow could be improved Fully & imaginatively supports thesis and purpose. One highly interconnect plan is provided. Sequensce of ideas provides excellent flow

Presentation & Formatting

Assignment is well presented sequencing of ideas is supported by appropriate use of headings Use of English is good. Document has been proof read to eliminate typographical and formatting errors Presentation is poor,

No/Ineffective use of headings Poor standard of English writing skills, e.g. spelling, grammar, phrasing.

Inadequate proof reading Extensive & serious editorial mistakes evident Formatting is not consistent Presentation is adequate,

Some use of headings and visual aids Fair standard of English writing skills, e.g. spelling, grammar, phrasing.

Adequate proof reading Some serious editorial mistakes evident Formatting is fairly consistent Presentation is good,

Good use of headingsand visual aids Good standard of English writing skills,

e.g. spelling, grammar, phrasing.

Generally good Proof reading Some minor mistakes were missed Formatting is mostly consistent Presentation is excellent,

Use of headings & visual aids Excellent standard of English writing skills, e.g. spelling, grammar, phrasing.

Effective proof reading. Very Few editorial mistakes in final submission Formatting is consistent throughout

Reources relevant to support hypothesis

Integrates resources without quoting Uses correct reference list and citation style Inadequate use of peer reviewed (PR) resources. Neglects important sources

Extensive use of quotations or poor paraphrasing Format of cited refs does not meet course requirements Uses Some relevant PR resources Evidence of patching

Some misuse of quotes and poor paraphrasing Format of cited refs sometimes meets course requirements Uses sufficient PR Resources that supports, and extends but not substitutes own ideas.

Any use of quotes within guidelines Format of refs generally meets course requirements Uses extensive PR Resources that supports, and extends but not substitutes own ideas.

Any use of quotes within guidelines Format of refs consistently meets course requirements

Support/ Reasoning Ideas & Details Critical thinking

Comparisons offered where relevant to thesis Draws reasoned conclusions and identify implications Use of visual aids appropriately to support hypothesis. Does not integrate personal perspective Offers simplistic,undeveloped, or cryptc support for the ideas. No details provided

No relevant examples provided

No comparisons made between thesis subjects No conclusions provided

No visual aids where needed Attempts to integrate personal perspective Offers somewhat obvious support that may be too broad. Details are vague, not well intrepreted irrelevant to thesis or inappropriately

repetitive. Examples are not relevant to thesis. Poor comparison is made between thesis subjects Some conclusions made but not supported by evidence Some use of visual aids to to support reasoning. Integrates personal perspective well. Offers solid but less original reasoning. Assumptions not always recognised and made explicit. Contains some relevant details and examples.

Provides some well integrated comparisons between thesis Most conclusions made are relevant and supported by evidence presented Good use of visual aids to

to support reasoning. Excellent integration of personal perspective substantial , logical & concrete development of ideas. Assumptions are made explicit.

Details are relevant, and convincingly intrepreted. Provides excellent examples

Comparisons between thesis subjects are clearly identified and supported.

All conclusions made are relevant and supported by evidence presented


Excellent use of visual aids to to support reasoning.

Hi Marie,

I have reviewed you essay plan and made the following comments;

The essay plan contains peer reviewed journals which will be applied in the research. However the essay plan does not elaborate on the actual peer reviewed journal you have identified to use in the assignment. In addition you have provided headings for the research in your mind map. This is great at it will provide you with sections to specifically in the paper. I think that you should have included the specific peer reviews journals that you will use in each of the sections.

Thank you

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Scientific Writing for Expert audience: Assignment scoring criteria. (2022, Nov 23). Retrieved from

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