Paper Example. Sensorimotor Psychotherapy

Published: 2023-10-26
Paper Example. Sensorimotor Psychotherapy
Essay type:  Definition essays
Categories:  Psychology Child abuse Essays by pagecount
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 607 words
6 min read

Sensorimotor psychotherapy is a trauma treatment technique. This technique mainly focuses on addressing traumatizing experiences, which are always viewed as psychological effects in psychology (Ogden et al., 2006). Sensorimotor can be regarded as a body-centered technique aiming to treat the somatic symptoms of unresolved trauma (Gene-Cos et al., 2016). Traditionally, therapists make use of the words of a person as the primary focus to access through therapies, which might fail to unearth such issues that exist unconsciously. Sensorimotor psychotherapy relies mainly upon individual bodily experiences as a leeway to awareness and advanced mental health (Gene-Cos et al., 2016). The sensorimotor psychotherapy proponents believe that some traumatic experiences might be netted deeply within the body while the affected are unconscious of such existence of unaddressed trauma.

The core founder of sensorimotor psychotherapy is known as Pat Ogden. While serving as a technician and a yoga instructor at a psychiatric hospital in the 1970s, she encountered a fascinating experience of mind and person-body relationships. Dr. Ogden initially noted that individuals seeking medication often appeared to have disconnected mental health problems due to their physical sensations and patterns (Oren and Solomon, 2012). From Dr. Ogden's perception, most of the people who underwent therapy sessions tended to relieve past painful encounters, thus enabling visibility even before post-traumatic stress (PTSD), which happened to appear in the list of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. A discovery by Dr. Ogden was that the majority of these persons who were seeking various treatments happened to only serve as triggers that eventually made the persons re-experience the traumatic events (Ogden and Minton, 2000).

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Dr. Ogden began to develop sensorimotor psychotherapy through a combination of psychotherapy and somatic therapy techniques. Mainly she aimed at developing a comprehensive approach to remedy the identified apparent disconnect that existed between body and mind in the healing process (Ogden and Minton, 2000). Thus, sensorimotor psychotherapy combines somatic therapies, cognitive applications, neuroscience, attachment theories, and various techniques from the Hakomi approach. Other significant researchers have geared towards the development of sensorimotor psychotherapy. Currently, Dr. Ogden, together with her colleagues, is working on the development of sensorimotor psychotherapeutic approaches that can be used by children, teens, couples, and families (Ogden and Minton, 2000).


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