Paper Sample on Sexual Harassment: Violence Against Women Working in Silicon Valley

Published: 2022-09-09
Paper Sample on Sexual Harassment: Violence Against Women Working in Silicon Valley
Type of paper:  Dissertation
Categories:  Women Sexual abuse
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 417 words
4 min read

The nature of this study is based on the topic reflecting upon a social context of the society that affects many parts of the world. In this case, gender-related violence against women who are the primary victims is an important issue that adversely affects Silicon Valley organizations in the past and still exists today (Gruber &Fineran, 2015). Therefore, coming up with this topic has a high relevance to the modern society of Silicon Valley and other related organizations that are making an effort to improve on gender-based violence and recognition of women as part of an essential component of the society ("How Do You Create a Domestic and Sexual Violence Policy That's Right for Your Workplace?" 2010).

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The study employs the approach of qualitative research while focusing on a specific case study of Silicon Valley. The qualitative method is applied through conducting interviews of both full time and part time employees in an IT firm in Silicon Valley California (Landreman & Williamsen, 2018). The set of employees who are subjected to this interview process range from entry level to the senior management positions. The study makes an effort to gather as much information as possible relating to different aspects of the organization and their implication on gender-based violence (Larcombe, 2012).

The study will employ the use of a specific research question and formulation of the hypothesis to drive a series of mixed methods to come up with inferences that are conclusive (MISSING-VALUE, 2014). Apart from conducting interviews, the project will involve filling of questionnaires, conducting online surveys, and many other techniques to gather as much information as possible concerning gender parity issues with sexual harassment, the booth at work, and different organizational settings(Singh, 2012). Analysis and presentation of the results will help in responding to the research question and proving the relevance of the hypothesis of the study.


Gruber, J., &Fineran, S. (2015). Sexual Harassment, Bullying, and School Outcomes for High School Girls and Boys. Violence Against Women, 22(1), 112-133. doi:10.1177/1077801215599079

How Do You Create a Domestic and Sexual Violence Policy That's Right for Your Workplace? (2010). PsycEXTRA Dataset.doi:10.1037/e604962012-001

Landreman, L. M., &Williamsen, K. M. (2018).Addressing Sexual Violence as Student Affairs Work. New Directions for Student Services, 2018(161), 35-45. doi:10.1002/ss.20251

Larcombe, W. (2012). Limits of the Criminal Law for Preventing Sexual Violence. Preventing Sexual Violence. doi:10.1057/9781137356192.0008

MISSING-VALUE, M. (n.d.). Situating Wartime Sexual Violence in Feminist Discourse. No Place for a War Baby, 61-84.doi:10.4324/9781315598413-4

Singh, P. (2012). Sexual Harassment at Work Place. SSRN Electronic Journal. doi:10.2139/ssrn.2118899

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Paper Sample on Sexual Harassment: Violence Against Women Working in Silicon Valley. (2022, Sep 09). Retrieved from

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