Shortage in Venezuela after Covid-19 - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-12-30
Shortage in Venezuela after Covid-19 - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Economics Society Covid 19 Crisis management
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 677 words
6 min read

In the last years, there has been a deep economic crisis in Venezuela. Venezuela used to be seen to have significant power in oil production. Due to mismanagement and poor leadership encountered in the country, a considerable force drove the country to the tremendous fiscal maelstrom. There was significant inflation in the country that led to the bolivar's devaluation leading to a situation where the currency is worthless. These effects lead to great chaos and unemployment in the country. There has been great power and water shortage in the country. As Venezuela has suffered a tremendous economic crisis over the past, the emergence of the current situation of the Covid-19 pandemic has made these situations appealing since there has been an increasing shortage in production, food, and medicine.

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The current Corona Virus pandemic has dramatically affected the country in the field of medicine. Health workers have been placed at imminent risk. There is a great brain drain to the doctors in the country. For the last few years, over 50 percent of doctors and health workers are seen to move from the state to other countries to seek better conditions (Hernández & José, 234). This factor has led to the incapability of the government to fight this disease. The health workers left in-country are working in a pathetic condition and at the pandemic frontline with inadequate materials and other protective measures. Due to this factor, the death of officials in Venezuela is made up of health care workers which totals to a statistical value of one –third o0f officials. 60% of hospitals in Venezuela are seen to have intermittent portable water access. There is a shortage of face masks, gloves, soap, and disinfectants to the health care workers.

Industrial regression was seen before the spread of COVID-19 in Venezuela. On its spread, most of the firms are seen cripple ultimately. Oil production, which is a significant production, is seen to face great challenges. The country is unable to export crude oil due to inadequate resources in the country. This has led to the crumbling of the oil industry in the country. Most production firms cannot produce top products because of various government directives on the number of people who should occupy a particular room. This led to some workers' retrenchment, which led to the productions lowering to meet the available labor (Brammer et al., 2020). The government could not fund some production units as most of the funds are used in the health and emergency response to help fight the disease hence crippling these firms.

Covid-19 pandemic is a human crisis that has dramatically affected food security in Venezuela. Many people were suffering from multination and hunger in Venezuela even before the epidemic started. The Covid-19 effects and the global recession in taking large scale and coordinated action have led to multination and hunger. After the impartation of a lockdown in the country, most unemployed people in the country cannot table food at their homes (Parkin & Joe, 1033). There was a supply chain disruption of some food materials; hence getting enough supply was very hard. Agricultural product demand fell apparently in Venezuela due to the lockdowns imposed, leading to low production as there were no markets.

Covid-19 has greatly affected the already crippled economy of Venezuela in different ways. These effects need to be addressed to help Venezuela compact these issues and help it recover. If these issues are not addressed, Venezuela may fall under a tremendous economic catastrophe.

Works Cited

Parkin Daniels, Joe. "Venezuelan migrants “struggling to survive” amid COVID-19." The Lancet 395.10229 (2020): 1023. https://www./2020/08/11/901501100/coronavirus-comes-to-venezuela

Oxford Analytica. "'Perfect storm'of Venezuela risks surround COVID-19." Emerald Expert Briefings oxan-db.

Brammer, Stephen, Layla Branicki, and Martina Linnenluecke. "COVID-19, Societalization and the Future of Business in Society." Academy of Management Perspectives ja (2020).

Hernández, Igor, and José Ricardo La Rosa. "Venezuela and Its Calamities: Add Covid-19 to the List." (234)

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