Significant Learning Experience (SLE) - Free Essay Example

Published: 2023-09-13
Significant Learning Experience (SLE) - Free Essay Example
Essay type:  Reflective essays
Categories:  Society Social psychology Ethical dilemma Essays by wordcount
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 544 words
5 min read

Ethics is a decision made on whether or not an action is right or wrong. Through ethics, society can achieve order and peace since ethical behaviors help in achieving justice and equality, which are needed for the achievement of peace in society. Without ethical practices in society, the possibility of chaos increases, and the existence of chaos reduces the possibility of society experiencing development and growth.

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There are different sources of ethics that direct the actions that people decide on. However, the different sources have one end: the achievement of a just society that observes and understands the need for the use of morality in all its endeavors. There are three main sources of ethics.

First, ethics can be based on the laws and regulations of the area where the moral dilemma is happening. Laws have predetermined solutions to the ethical situations that people face. Therefore they will be able to decide whether or not to operate within the confines of the laws that they have been provided with. Acting within the given laws will mean that they will be acting morally while acting contrary to the set rules and regulations will mean that they are acting immorally. Secondly, the societies in which people determine the morality or immorality of an action.

When society normalizes an action, then it will be considered to be morally correct to act in that sort of manner, and it may even be suggested that the people in the society act in that manner since it is the standard for good behavior. People who do not act in the prescribed behaviors and mannerisms are considered to be outcasts who are therefore punished for their actions, and when their actions are too grievous, they are banished from the society,

The most prominent source of ethics in society is religion. Through religion, people are taught the morally acceptable ways of acting and then taught on how they can live in a way that will enable them to achieve a state of moral uprightness, which is acceptable to the religious group that the individual belongs to and the society that they belong to as well. Religion also promotes morality in society since it provides believers with the motivation for why they should act morally. Religion provides the believers with the promise of their good deeds will enable them to receive good rewards here on earth and in the afterlife.

The motivation that good deeds are rewarded enables the individuals in the moral situations to choose the moral deeds over the immoral ones despite the wrong decisions providing them with attractive rewards since they will be motivated towards receiving the rewards promised for good deeds. Religion also offers a negative motivation, whereby acting immorally will result in the people concerned being punished in their time while they are alive as well as when they die and go to the afterlife.

The fear of damnation and eternal torture for the unethical deeds that one partook when alive will provide the society with the required motivation to act justly. Despite the different sources of morality, it has been established that the only way that society will move forward is if the people in it will embrace a morality and apply it to their daily activities.

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