Silicon Valley: A Journey from Startup Dreams to Global Tech Epicenter - Free Paper

Published: 2024-01-04
Silicon Valley: A Journey from Startup Dreams to Global Tech Epicenter - Free Paper
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Computer science Environment Technology Supply chain management
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1559 words
13 min read

In 1995, two ambitious brothers attempted to capitalize on a revolutionary idea in an era of the rising popularity of the internet. The entrepreneurs had the idea to create an online city guide which evolved into a searchable business directory. At the time, a searchable directory made finding information about a specific area much more convenient for anyone who had access to it. The product became popular among newspaper publishers, most notably the New York Times and the Chicago Tribune. The company would eventually be sold, and founders Elon and Kimb9al Musk collected their first big paycheck with the price being settled at just over $300 million. Though the brothers collected over $300 million in just 4 years, Elon shared details about some of their hardships during a talk he gave in 2003. The brothers worked occasional 100-hour weeks as well as slept in their rented office and showered at the local YMCA since they were unable to afford the cost of the rent. Musk took his earnings and reinvested by founding PayPal, Space X, and Tesla. By the mid-2000s, Musk was thriving in the Silicon Valley area, and his success only continued from there. Today, Elon Musk employs nearly 60,000 employees in Silicon Valley making him one of the most influential people in the area. With the recent boom in the computer industry, Silicon Valley has morphed into an economic hotspot.

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Computer technology consists of hardware and computer-controlled devices with a software-operating system, expert system, authoring tools, and courseware to help in training technology. Industries manufacture computers such as personal computers, mainframes, mobile PCs; laptops and mobile phones, workstations, servers, and mainframes. They also manufacture computer marginal devices such as storage equipment, input and output devices for example printers, keyboards monitors, and terminals. Major computer companies include US-established Apple, HP, Dell, Hewlett, and IBM along with other companies including Lenovo-China, Asus-Taiwan, and Canon-Japan.

Yearly global PC deliveries comprise desktop PCs and laptops surpassing 260 million according to Gartner. A massive majority of the world’s individual computers are manufactured in Asia through contract companies. The US computer-producing companies comprise almost 1000 formations along with a collective annual income of close to $24 billion (Hospers,2009). Ultimatum is tied to customer and business earnings. The productivity of discrete computer industries lies in manufacturing and buying competencies along with technical skills. Big industries have economies of gauge in buying and manufacturing. Minor industries can effectively compete by focusing, in particular, on produce or through manufacturing grander expertise. The US company is extremely focused: almost 80% of the income is generated by the top 50 firms.

Appreciating the changing aspects of Silicon Valley requires gratitude for the impact created by inventive demolition on a robust innovation environment.: a multifaceted ecology of connections amongst capitalists, investigators, service providers, lawyers, and accountants that are continuously taking shape. As a current Proteus, Silicon Valley has produced and battered sequential prosperous phases by regularly adjusting its public and official structure to current types of machinery and forces in the market and influencing the foundations in the subsequent movement(Hospers et. Al.,2009). Joseph Schumpeter, recognized for the idea of imaginative destruction, considered entrepreneurship as a procedure of industrial transformation, relentlessly revolutionizing the economic organization from the inside, constantly abolishing the ancient ones, and ceaselessly developing a new one. For almost half a century, Silicon Valley continues to be a structure for frequent resourceful destruction.

In the early 20th century, the area currently known as Silicon Valley was a pastoral area dominated by cultivation and referred to as the “Valley of Heart’s Delight” as a result of the fame of the fruits cultivated on its land. It is slightly surrounded by San Francisco Bay on the north, the Diablo Range on the east, and the Santa Cruz Mountains on the west. However, Silicon Valley is not only a geographical site. Its identity is similar to the growth of the computer and electronics company alongside the rise of the digital trade and also the internet. furthermore, Silicon Valley is a region of the mind, a hint about local commercial growth, and a portion of the current tradition of American prosperity(Malecki,1986). Some U.S. cities and also nations have tried to develop their “Silicon Valleys” but they frequently became unsuccessful in re-create basics that were vital to the accomplishment of the original.

Silicon Valley and development have been closely synonymous since the discovery of the combined circuit. In 1959, there were around 18,000 high-technology careers in the location. In 1971, there were roughly 117,000 similar works, and in 1990 almost 268,000 occupied titles. From 1992 to 1999 Silicon Valley created over 230,000 careers and contributed to almost 40 percent of California’s export business(Hirst et. Al.,2005). To seal the rising necessity of high-technology employees, specifically engineers, the US reduced entry allocations for aliens with specialized training, this led to a surge in the number of workers from India and China. The Valley’s population had risen by more than 2 million by the 21st century. Electronics, computer software, and computers produced the region's prosperity, much of the wealth however was engrossed by real estate.

2000 marked the year of the end of Internet growth, a five-year era where the paper worth of openly merchandized stock in Internet-founded businesses surged over the actual grossing ability of the company. In 2005 widely trafficked Valley partnerships were valued at approximately a third of their trading and highest loss of almost $2 trillion. Such a degree of economic shift created a weight (Arora,2013). There was less employment in Santa Clara County in 2005 before the thrive in 1995. Scheme investment subsidy reduced. Even Silicon Valley’s renowned positivity changed in the post-bubble era. However, it is surprising that home values did not decline: Silicon Valley was an expensive site to reside in.

Implications of Computers Commodity Chain to the Environment

Manufacturing companies are defined as trading industries that utilize components or raw materials to produce a complete product, the products can be directly sold to customers or to other industries that utilize them to make a diverse product. Manufacturing firms are considerably accountable for the ingestion of a large number of resources and surplus generation globally. From 1972 to 2004, there was a surge of 61% in the use of energy by manufacturing firms which comprised a third of the worldwide consumption of energy. Besides being the major origin of environmental problems such as increased rates of pollution, overwhelmed surplus areas, and shrinking sources of raw materials, the manufacturing department is also answerable for the release of 36% of carbon dioxide globally(Hirst et. Al.,2015). Hence, an improved effort on the influence of manufacturing firm’s shareholders like the monitoring, stakeholders, clients, and workers have been moved to seeking from the manufacturing firms to be more receptive to their surroundings in line with their goods and the procedure. The idea of maintainable manufacturing activities is linked with processes, regulations, and the methods applied by organizations in observing and controlling the impacts of their processes of production and procedures on the natural ecology.

Ecological fears and consciousness are making commercial companies consider their working influences. Ecologically maintainable performance’s definition is the assessment of industrial reduced emissions, reduced consumption of harmful products, and well-organized energy or raw materials. Ecologically manageable performance is defined as the accomplishments in limiting the source usage, emissions, and waste created as a result of the efforts. Environmental Sustainability Act has relations with the ecological objectives of the industry involving reducing the rate of environmental fortunes and resolutions to recover an initiative to the environmental state. The conservational performance can also be a valuable gauge in reducing risks in the environment.

Significance of computers commodity chain

Reduces the cost of operation:

Reduces Buying Cost – Sellers rely on stock chains for the fast delivery of expensive goods to evade holding inflated catalogs in stores longer than required. For instance, electronics stocks need a fast distribution of 60-inch flat-panel plasma HDTVs to prevent high account charges.

The Cost of Production is reduced – Producers rely on supply chains for reliability in delivering resources to assembling industries to prevent material scarcities that would prevent manufacture.

Cuts down the cost of Total Supply Chain – Manufacturers and sellers rely on supply chain administrators for network designing that achieves the client’s service objective at the minimum cost. Well-organized supply chains enable an organization to compete well in the marketplace. For instance, Dell’s radical computer supply chain strategy comprised inventing every computer grounded on a particular order by the client, then delivering the computer straight to the buyer, hence Dell avoided having huge computer catalogs existing in storerooms and merchandising stocks saving huge amounts of dollars.


Hospers, G. J., Desrochers, P., & Sautet, F. (2009). The next Silicon Valley? On the relationship between geographical clustering and public policy. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 5(3), 285-299.

Malecki, E. J. (1986). Research and development and the geography of high-technology complexes. Technology, regions, and policy, 51-74.

Hirst, P., Thompson, G., & Bromley, S. (2015). Globalization in question. John Wiley & Sons.

Arora, A., Branstetter, L. G., & Drev, M. (2013). Going soft: How the rise of software-based innovation led to the decline of Japan's IT industry and the resurgence of Silicon Valley. Review of Economics and Statistics, 95(3), 757-775.

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