Free Essay on Social Media and Rhetoric: Annotated Bibliography

Published: 2019-10-18
Free Essay on Social Media and Rhetoric: Annotated Bibliography
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Communication Society Social media
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 906 words
8 min read

The changes in technology have transformed communication protocol and avenues. Social Media is currently becoming a naturalized part of society, and the trend is witnessed across the globe. The use of Social Media has been a note to alter the nature of essential relationships while producing new multidimensional view for sociopolitical, logical, and emotional interactions. Scholars have examined the positive or negative trends as well as the gains and losses associated with Social Media. This excerpt is an annotated bibliography of four scholarly work concerning Social Media and the associated different impacts.

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MacDonald, Lauren, and Walsh, Stephanie. Burkean Identification: Rhetorical Inquiry and Literacy Practices in Social Media. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education 3.1 (2014): 2166-2681. Web.

In the year 2014, MacDonald and Walsh investigated the nature of self and the community based on the interactions on Facebook and Twitter. The study used the Burkes theory of identity as the primary framework for the analysis of the trends associated with the platforms. The two scholars noted that the shifts currently witnessed in Social Media exhibit a dynamic nature of the self and the entire community. The framework allowed their analysis to discover the impact of the updates and changes within the platforms on the process of exploring rhetorical concepts. Moreover, according to the evaluation, the computer-mediated communication perspective revealed how the understanding of the characteristics of the platforms is essential in analyzing the traditional notions. Besides, the two showed that the concepts surrounding the Facebook and Twitter dynamics allow the social media analysts to understand the impacts irrespective of their inclinations.

Cao, Nan et al. Social Helix: Visual Analysis of Sentiment Divergence in Social Media. Journal of Visualization 18.2 (2014): 221 235. Web.

The existence of Social Media is essential in information communication through the sharing of important sentiments. Most often opinions may diverge based on the multidimensional perspectives of attitudes and perceptions. Cao et al. examined the existence such divergence of the sentiments and evaluated the impact of the entire societys nature. The group proposed an intuitive visualization approach to the Social Media data to assist in investigating the several domains and dimension such as the political, social, and cultural shifts. The scholars proposed a SocialHelix system that enables the users to track topics based on their affiliations. The move as suggested by the research assists in identifying the origin of the diverging sentiments. The use of politically related tweets showed a significant correlation between the existence of divergence in the social media based on the attitudes, perceptions, and affiliations of users. The study proved that the existence of conflicting opinions in social media mimics how the society perceives some essential factors associated with integration.

Stieglitz, Stefan, and Linh, Dang-Xuan. Social Media and Political Communication: A Social Media Analytics Framework. Social Network Analysis and Mining 3.4 (2012): 1277 1291. Web.

The increased discourse in communication concerning the public and political affairs has characterized the Social Media. The impacts have extended to the society, and the need to unravel the shifts in the sociopolitical context has become significant. Stieglitz and Linh investigated the changes in the social platforms and the increase the public participation in political and social affairs. The two evaluated the micro-blogging sites and their capacity to allow users to propagate their opinions as well as other related information. According to the study, the politicians with their respective parties and foundations have also joined the participation process to enhance the interaction with public through direct dialogues. The two scholars noted in their findings that such a move has increased the sensitivity of the society regarding the political affairs. The research showed that the understanding of the political trends across all the platforms require a comprehensive approach for evaluating the social media analytics.

Pizano, Gil. How Much Has Social Media Changed Society?. Social Media and Marketing. ShoutMeLoud, 15 May 2016. Web. 27 July 2016.

Pizano, while pondering about the changes that have occurred in the society reflected on the shifts caused by the Social Media platforms. Pizano published an article on how the Social Media has changed the culture in the ShoutMeLoud in May 2016. The article described the changes exhibited in sharing of news, ideas, and expression of individual opinions. Pizano outlined how Social Media has favored the integration capacity through the additional features associated with the domains. The article further acknowledged the existence of adverse effects on the society, but Pizano focused on the benefits in the social and corporate dimensions. Predicting the future, Pizano pointed out that there will be no excuse of factors such as distance as barriers to communication and integration since the Social Media is bridging the gap.

In conclusion, the Social Media has transformed the society by enhancing the level of integration, which is essential in information communication. Sectors such as the corporate industry have increased their capacity. However, notable adverse changes in the society are also witnessed. Different scholars have investigated the diverse dimensions of Social Media using unique approaches, and the understanding of the notions is essential.

Work Cited

Cao, Nan et al. Social Helix: Visual Analysis of Sentiment Divergence in Social Media. Journal of Visualization 18.2 (2014): 221 235. Web.

MacDonald, Lauren, and Walsh, Stephanie. Burkean Identification: Rhetorical Inquiry and Literacy Practices in Social Media. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education 3.1 (2014): 2166-2681. Web.

Pizano, Gil. How Much Has Social Media Changed Society?. Social Media and Marketing. ShoutMeLoud, 15 May 2016. Web. 27 July 2016.

Stieglitz, Stefan, and Linh, Dang-Xuan. Social Media and Political Communication: A Social Media Analytics Framework. Social Network Analysis and Mining 3.4 (2012): 1277 1291. Web.

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