Paper Example. Summary of Communication Strategy

Published: 2023-09-27
Paper Example. Summary of Communication Strategy
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Leadership analysis Company Strategy Human resources
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 932 words
8 min read

The performance of an organization is centered on the communication strategy that is adopted in a command chain system; this explains why some organizations are thriving in the market than others despite having similar levels of financial strength. In this case, FedEx was considered due to its reputable communication strategy that has been used within the organization for many years (Rao, 2017). Being an American multinational corporation, FedEx has integrated a specific communication strategy in dealing with tracking, printing, and shipping services as well as organizing its hierarchical structure. According to DeCenzo, Robbins, and Verhulst (2016), the application of innovative strategies by FedEx has aided in resolving the management issues that have negatively affected many organizations’ performance. The downward communication strategy is the major approach adopted by FedEx to organize multiple operations for a specific goal (Rao, 2017). The strategy has helped the management to brief employees on the organization’s trends, and strategies as well as seeking staff recommendations before initiating action. The complexity of the FedEx organization requires employees to be efficient and connected using a friendly communication approach for recommendable performance.

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Communication Strategy Analysis

For prime marketing, brand audiences have to be fully engaged in the organization's services for efficient co-ordination; this is has been attained in FedEx organization through the application of a downward communication strategy (Djunaedi et al., 2020). The communication strategy has ensured an effective application of the four model approach that entails; sales, services, value chain, and continuous improvement. Firstly, the sales model uses a communication mix to introduce six essential channels that include; public relation, advertising, direct marketing, sale promotion, event and experience and personal selling. Through the ideal communication that is enhanced by the downward communication strategy, FedEx’s selling promotion campaigns and activities have enhanced as well as facilitating consumers' comprehension of the product features and advantages (Chan, 2015). The sale of the available products is improved through the administration of customer proposing strategies; this approach relies on tactical communication that is piloted by FedEx’s human resource management. Lastly, the communication strategy avails appealing and relevant information on the organization’s product market to the target audiences and customers; this ensures progressive improvement of sales.

Secondly, when dealing with goods, it is essential to consider improving the satisfactory service to trigger customers' brand cognitive loyalty. In FedEx, services are considered to be intangible goods that depend on communication strategy to embed customer satisfaction; this is because, in many cases, customers have to contact customer services to inquire about a product before engaging in transactions (Chan, 2015). Notably, concise communication between service providers, management and customers in FedEx has improved the organization’s brand loyalty. Thirdly, an integrating value chain in an organization depends on competitive communication strategies that imply all activities that are performed in the industry vicinity from the organization’s value chain. Value chain activities search as innovation, production, research and marketing have been considered influential in FedEx; thus, great communication integration is essential (Chan, 2015). The downward communication strategy ensures external and internal transmission of information connecting different departments for convenient and quick response during the value chain activities. Lastly, the determination of the organization's stability and culture is ensured through a continuous improvement model that heavily depend on communication strategy. For a meaningful and appraisal exercise of developing, assessing, and evaluating employees' performance, FedEx has instituted a communication hierarchal command system that ensures continuous improvement of the performance.

The downward communication strategy has been essential in the FedEx organization; however, the strategy is faced with slow feedback and message distortion problem (Djunaedi et al., 2020). The management level in FedEx proposes almost all commands to be executed by the superior; this deprives employees’ right to air concerns and recommendations that may be effective for the organization's performance. Due to the nature of the FedEx structure, the downward communication strategy has triggered inadequate communication of the staff since autocratic communication is appraised. Additionally, the customers’ chance to seek human interface and clarification is denied since the approach encourages the use of electronic inquiries. Based on the problem experienced in the FedEx communication strategy, the organization can solve the issues by replacing the downward communication strategy with the upward communication approach. The new approach will take care of employees’ prioritizes, concerns and recommendations; this will be influential since employees have first-hand information drawn from directly interacting with the organization’s clients. Lastly, information needs to be streamlined in FedEx; this will ensure queries raised are efficiently and quickly addressed.

Integration Techniques in the Workplace and Recommendation

Many online-based organizations prefer the downward communication strategy because commands are well organized and delivered to the subordinates from the superior (Djunaedi et al., 2020). Exxon Mobil Corporation is one of the organizations where downward communication can be integrated to avail service and products as well as consumers’ feedback through online conversations, meetings, speeches and other publications. Through a downward communication strategy, the organization’s procedures, policies and plans are elevated ensuring strict adherence to the core mission and vision of the organization. Lastly, organizations need to integrate both the upward and downward communication strategies to come up with a more effective approach for coordinating the management, employees and customers.


Chan, H. C. (2015). Internet of things business models. Journal of Service Science and Management, 8(04), 552.

DeCenzo, D. A., Robbins, S. P., & Verhulst, S. L. (2016). Fundamentals of human resource management. John Wiley & Sons.

Djunaedi, N., Febrian, F., Agustina, G., Suryani, H., & Nalibratawati, R. (2020). Downward Communication Model to Improve Employee Performance. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 24(4).

Rao, V. (2017). Managing Human Resources, the Fedex Way. Case Studies Journal ISSN (2305-509X)–Volume, 6.

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