System Based Solution in Nursing - Free Paper Sample

Published: 2023-11-07
System Based Solution in Nursing - Free Paper Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Nursing Healthcare
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 572 words
5 min read


With the rise in health care delivery, it has turned out critical for physicians to comprehend how personal practices are relatable to the larger health care system. Systems-based practise (SBP) is one among the fundamental competencies whereby physicians have to display proficiency in delivering high quality and safe patient care. A system based solution can be thought of as an analytical tool in addition to the view of the world that could make caregiving and efforts change more fruitful. Competency in offering a system based solution requires that the physicians comprehend the relationship between the health care system in addition to how the system can be used in quality improvement and patient safety care.

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Patient-Centred Health Care System

A patient-centred health care system focuses on health care that is consumer-driven, viable role incoordination, and the ability for the patients to effectively communicate informed needs and preferences (O’rourke et al., 2016). The system will then enable the charged nurse in improving the efficiency, convenience, and timeliness in optimal service delivery. Whereby, synchronous communication in between the different patients and the charged nurse in a facility provides better care that accelerates the diagnosis and treatment pace, thus avoiding any complications that would have resulted from delays.

How fast a patient is attended to when need be determines a lot the overall recovery process, treatment, and health care safety (Andiwatir & Betan, 2019). There is often a system based issue of inadequate staffing where a single charged nurse is left with a lot of patients to handle. Handling one medical crisis of a patient can get a single nurse too much overwhelmed with work to the point of failing to attend to other currently occurring crisis. According to the HCAPHS survey, question 4 “During this hospital stay, after you pressed the call button, how often did you get help as soon as you wanted it?” would receive negative and poor comments from different patients. Reason being, if there is understaffing and only one charged nurse is to attend to all the patients, chances are there would be delayed response after the patient presses the call button.


Though other industries have attained immense success in using system approaches, the health care sector has been slow in adopting such techniques and approaches. It is highly recommended that health care adopts a system-based approach in countering arising issues for the overall safety of the patients. Four general steps can be adopted in realizing this: Identification of multiple elements in caring for patients; description of how the aspects work independently and interdependently; adjustment of policies or processes to enhance the results of interplay; and implementation whereby the dynamics will facilitate how the nurses, processes, and organizations work amicably in attaining best health care (Andiwatir & Betan, 2019). An easier avenue could also be provided in reporting issues as they occur within the facility and the issues heard and addressed. Overall, there is a need for health care facilities to generalize tools and methods in teaching about the system based solutions, caregiving process, and impacting on the quality of nursing care.


Andiwatir, A., & Betan, Y. (2019). Letter to the Editor: Evidence-based practice for nursing profession: Barriers and teaching strategies solutions. International Journal of Nursing Sciences, 6(1), 123–124.

O'rourke, T., Higuchi, K. S., & Hogg, W. (2016). Stakeholder Participation in System Change: A New Conceptual Model. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 13(4), 261–269.

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