Free Essay: Teaching Basic Concepts of Math and Improving Preschool Student's Concentration on Math

Published: 2022-04-06
Free Essay: Teaching Basic Concepts of Math and Improving Preschool Student's Concentration on Math
Type of paper:  Presentation
Categories:  Teaching
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1734 words
15 min read

Mini Math Lesson Plan for Preschoolers helps in efficiently explaining the basic concepts of math and enhancing preschool student's attention in math. It helps in equipping the students with the necessary skills required to be successful in class. It also helps raise students capable of adapting to the changing educational needs and to acquire appropriate educational culture and norms that assist be successful in the entire educational process. The preschool lesson plan targets the children between the age of 3 and six years old. The plan aims at teaching the children their numbers, shapes, number recognition, and counting. It aims to teach the children by practicing simple science activities. The plan focuses on teaching the children basic concepts of math. The theme of the plan concentrates on work and school activities that improve preschool student's concentration on math.

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Work by both the teachers and students help in the learning process of children at preschool. School activities conducted by instructors ensure that every child receives a healthy start in the learning process. Subjecting preschool students to school activities such as outdoor sports activities enable children to acquire the concepts and skills required to have a successful academic life and practical comprehension of math. It includes standard-based programs designed to commence early. Qualified individuals conduct the program in an environment that provides support to the respective families and provide adequate information required to formulate the appropriate relationship between the learners, instructors, and parents. Every child can study and achieve higher academic goals. Children develop and grow differently since they all have unique features. Formulation of appropriate and reasonable lesson plan helps the children reach their potential in academics. Children exhibit diverse cultural settings and experience different challenges that affect their performance in mathematics. They are active learners, and the creation of an appropriate lesson plan helps in formulating a healthy relationship and understanding between the teachers and the students. A perfect approach to learning at the tender age of the preschool student's help them acquires the necessary education skills that assist in the growth and development. Planning for the education and teaching process of the students also help in the promoting a vibrant and education experience among the students. A lesson plan is a tool that empowers not only the students but also the teachers and the parents and guardians of the children.

The lesson plan contains different sections that assist in the efficient learning process. The strategy entails steps such as a summary of the student's characteristics and needs, approaches to learning, routine and learning environment, common core standards and physical health and development. Further, it also has learning objectives and intended outcome, emotional and social development, student's communication, literacy and language, prior knowledge and cognition of the world, materials and resources, instructional procedures, assessment and post reflection stage.

Summary of Children's Needs and Characteristics

Children exhibit different needs and characteristics that lead to a different performance in math. It also leads to a difference in development levels of the children. Every student has a unique need that when attended to guarantees the success in class. Some of the students with disability require special treatment to compete favorably with the other students in the same math class. Math is a complex subject that needs proper teaching from the educators. It also requires adequate, appropriate learning environment to assist the preschool students in acquiring the necessary skills to exemplary performance in math. Students at the preschool are young and need sufficient care to ensure they attain all their needs and maximize their potentials. They have emotional and social issues that when solved, they perform better in math. Social and emotional needs affect how the students interact with other students and the teaching in the learning environment. Such children depend on their parents and staying away from home for extended affects their concentration. The summary of their needs and characteristics helps the educators correctly understand them and interact well with them. It helps in maximize their skills and talents. It also helps them learn the significance of schools and interaction process. The summary also contains the health conditions of the students. It depicts the health status of every student and allows the instructor to relate well with the students. Some of the preschool students are emotionally down because of their health issues.

Understanding the health status of every student in the school helps in the development of appropriate ways of dealing with such students. It also leads to the best mechanisms of handling the performance and behaviors of every student in the learning institutions. Students grow under different conditions. They possess diverse language abilities among them and possess different communication skills. The learning styles of the students also different based on the different environmental set up of their homes. Learning mathematics require determination of the appropriate learning style of every student. At the preschool level, the fundamental concepts are counting the different numbers and differentiating the numbers in writing. Children communicate with parents using different means while at home. They describe using different languages. It leads to a difference in communication skills among the children while in school. Learning mathematics requires practical communication skills and interpersonal skills that enable the students to count and to interact with the instructors. A summary of the children's needs and characteristics, therefore, help the educators learn more about the children and formulate effective means of teaching every student math depending on the potential of the child.

Approaches To Learning

Approaches to learning involve how the children acquire knowledge and get involved in the learning process of mathematics. Math requires preschool students to demonstrate competence and increasing awareness in class. An approach to efficiently teaching the preschool students must also involve engagement of the students. The students engage as a means of learning and exploration. Involvement enables the students to interact with each other and with other materials needed to comprehend math appropriately. They also play different activities using the same mathematics materials. Engaging in imaginative and pretend play helps the students acquire counting skills required in math classes. The approach of "trial and error" helps the students figure out the mathematical concepts, problems, and tasks. It helps the students in demonstrating the awareness by connecting between the new and prior knowledge. The plan also helps the student to actively engage in problem-solving activities that lead to better performance in math-related activities. Imagination and creativity approaches help the students identify and choose the appropriate materials, objects, and characters used in math evaluation process. It also helps to identify additional elements required to complete the tasks. They support the educators communicate more than one problem and assist students to seek additional clarity that furthers their math knowledge. Students in the preschool exhibit high levels of initiative, curiosity, and willingness to learning new experiences related to math. Such children actively explore a new culture and willingly engage in new activities. Such approaches help the students to exhibit high levels of persistence towards the learning process of math.

Student's physical health and development

Math requires increasing competence and awareness among the students. Physical development helps the students appropriately use their senses to acquire new learning skills. They use senses such as smell, sound, texture, and taste to appropriately interact with other students and the lecturers in the learning institutions. They also employ sensory information to carry out and plan different chores. They also help the students identify different learning boundaries and acquire the ability to work within such limits. Learning of math requires a high level of coordination. Physical health and development of students assist in the formulation of appropriate coordination skills that support in learning math as a subject. Physical fitness also helps to participate in the math learning process actively. Teachers maintain the student's physical fitness by engaging them in activities such as dancing, marching, running and hoping. Such activities help teachers determine the potential skills and talent of every student. It also helps the instructors learn the way of evoking happiness from every student that allows in active participation from such students in the class. Student's well being and health helps them maintain hygiene and personal care. It helps the students be acquiring the creative and personal care skills that aid in imagination and consistency in counting and determination of numbers.

Emotional and social development

Emotional and social development of a student helps in the formation of foundational skills among the preschool students. It helps students acquire self-awareness and self-concept that helps them identify their weaknesses and strengths. It helps the students in demonstrating the knowledge concerning math concepts discussed in the class. It also helps student's exhibit high levels of self-confidence required to increase performance in math. Math is a technical subject that needs high levels of self-esteem from the students. High confidence assists the students to interact freely with other students and with the instructors in the learning institutions. It helps create healthy and appropriate working relationship with others in the class. It allows teachers to bond well with such students. Math is all about following the rules and formulae. It requires students to strictly abide by the stipulated procedures needed when handling math exercises. The emotional and social development also leads to high level of adaptability among students in the preschool. It enables them to adapt to changes introduced by the instructors regarding the math exercises.

Routine and Learning Environment

Preschool contain young and vulnerable students who require guidance from the teachers and all the other stakeholders in school. The instructors ensure knowledge of the classroom environment to facilitate effective interaction and teaching of the students. Classroom environment affects the performance of the student in math. It also determines how the students perceive the math learning process. Creating an efficient learning environment also helps in the development of respect among the students and helps support the children appropriately learn math as a subject. Classroom management routines fundamentally affect the interaction between the teachers and the students in math classes. Every teacher must plan for managing the materials, resources and dealing with the challenging behaviors of students. Teachers also exhibit positive guidance techniques such as reduction and problem solving to assist students in improving their understanding of math concepts. It also helps in the formulation of the common core standards and curriculum standards that guarantee sufficient knowledge of math concepts by the preschool students. It ensures adequate assessment of the studen...

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