Essay Sample on Ted Talk Analysis

Published: 2023-02-22
Essay Sample on Ted Talk Analysis
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Languages Interpersonal communication
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 577 words
5 min read

Amy Cuddy's Ted talk on body language is a review of how important body posing may be to an individual. She indicates that sometimes your body pose may reveal a lot about you and expose how you may be perceived you. The social psychologist explores a number of factors that stand out in the importance of body language to an individual. Most of the issues that she reveals connect to confidence and explore the need for being thoughtful on what meaning you may have based on your posture. Posture communicates a lot to the diversity and needs of the body and leads to an automatic creation of perception whenever you people read it about you. The proper examination explores the language of facial expressions and gestures as basically constituting the need to understand the body language of individuals.

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Analysis according to the psychologist relates back to a number of needs that an individual must have in order to express themselves perfectly. Body language intercepts a lot of aspects that must be included in the analysis of an individual's own way of communication. Conscious body analysis is an important exploration of how individuals accommodate the perfect relationship that they could have with their audiences at a given time. The basic component relates an explanation and relation through the examination of nonverbal communication cues.

The ted talk was essential given the importance of nonverbal cues in communication today. The importance is also related to the need to know how your audience relates to your communication aspects whenever you present before your audience. The talk helped me to understand the rationale that is sued in describing the description of nonverbal cues and their importance in communication today. The explanation given on eye contacts, handshaking and greetings given a good depth to the analysis of the importance of verbal cues in communication. The use of gestures can also be explained in terms of body posting and the need for use appropriate body language.

The ted talk has merit and is important in constituting a good communication and explores the need for serious communication sports. The ted talk explains the need or engaging communication aspects especially in the modern world of interaction. The interaction is based on the fundamentals and the actual relation tat individuals have with other people in the delivery of information. Information delivery is based on the manner in which Ted talk presents body gesture and communication.

The psychologist explains a number of aspects that relate to self esteem and contribute to potential body posture patterns. She reveals in the vide that way you give facial expressions to your audience makes them feel that you have good self esteem and you believe in yourself. This promotes your ability to understand how they relate and makes you become more aware of your environment. This way the speaker convinces me that good posture in communication will ensure that your self esteem is encouraged and that you are able to, are positive appearance to your audience.

This would make me understand how to interact with my friends in class and help in developing my communication strategies apart from helping me to gauge my capability based on self-esteem.The explanation given on eye contacts, handshaking and greetings given a good depth to the analysis of the importance of verbal cues in communication. The use of gestures can also be explained in terms of body posting and the need for use appropriate body language.

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