The Canadian Workplace Preference Career Cruising Reflection

Published: 2022-12-26
The Canadian Workplace Preference Career Cruising Reflection
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Human resources United States Research
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 587 words
5 min read

I have completed the Work Preference Quiz on the Service Canada website. The Matchmaker & My Skills questionnaire on Career Cruising has aided me in preparation for choosing my future career. Many people have shown interest in this kind of assessment since it helps them realize their potential skills, interest, and values that fit their preferred career. In my case, the test results suggest that I am predominantly a social person.

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People who demonstrate social personality have always been associated with good leadership, being supportive, humanistic, approachable and responsible. They use ideas, feeling and words to associate and work with people instead of physical activities to do things. Therefore as a "social person," I like to help people and enjoy working with them. Moreover, I find it easy to start conversing with others hence making me build a good relationship with them. Ideally, I believe this result is definitely correct. Notably, after completing the quizzes, I got three main suggestions for my career. One of the suggested careers was an Insurance agent. I have thought about this career before. I have been working in a travel agency for many years before I studied ESL program. This career is very similar to my last job

It is concerned with introducing insurance knowledge to peoples. Besides this career will help individuals to choose insurances covers that best suits their needs concerning their health, property, and life. Notably, communication skill is an essential factor under consideration in this career; however, I prefer this job to be my second choice. Therefore, I would like to try another career. Another suggested career was painters and decorators. Undeniably, painting and decorating is literally superficial since it requires certain top skills. This career does not mean one has to acquire a degree or training to be a good painter or decorator. In most occasions, it comes with inborn skills and creativity. Sincerely speaking, I am not a creative person; therefore this career does not suit me. The third suggestion is to be an early childhood educator. This career entails specialization in working with young children up to six years of age. The responsibility of the educators ranges from the provision of basic nursing education to relevant formal education.

I was challenged in taking this career because I had never thought of becoming a kindergarten teacher before. At the same time, I realized the passion I had for small children. Therefore, it would be a good idea to undertake early childhood education courses when I finish my ESL program. I have chosen to teach kindergarten because I have a natural love for the children and I enjoy helping and teaching them. On the other hand, I feel kindergarten would be great to teach because this is children's first experience with school and important for children. Giving every child a good foundation of pre-school experience has always been my dream.


In conclusion, the results of both questionnaires confirmed my initial career choices. I would like to become a kindergarten teacher in the future, and it was one of the suggested occupations. I also conducted in-depth research and got more information about the early childhood education program. After the ESL course, I decided to apply for an early childhood education program at Sheridan. Even though I had known before taking the test, that was what I wanted to do, I enjoyed the experience and learned about options I had never considered before.



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The Canadian Workplace Preference Career Cruising Reflection. (2022, Dec 26). Retrieved from

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