The changes began immediately the missionaries entered into the country, and majorly after being brought into a new world which they had not seen for a long time due to the isolation that they experienced for hundreds of years. The people's culture has generally changed with time due to the exposure to new ideas and people in the environment.

Published: 2023-01-09
The changes began immediately the missionaries entered into the country, and majorly after being brought into a new world which they had not seen for a long time due to the isolation that they experienced for hundreds of years. The people's culture has generally changed with time due to the exposure to new ideas and people in the environment.
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Leadership analysis Science Society Other
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 629 words
6 min read

They have continuously adopted a new way of life but have also retained some of their ways of living which they still celebrate in the current century. New dance styles have therefore been adopted by the country's people in the process of coming up with the new trends of and innovations in the new world.

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Some of the pictures below indicate the origin of the various dance styles adopted in Hawaii especially the hula dance. Dance

The well-renowned hula dance, (a dance style in Hawaii).

was broadly categorized into two that is the Naho and the Luna dance, whereas some instances applied the use of both styles in a presentation.

A dancing style is a form of art, and during its live performance, it is normally accompanied d with major use of hand motions to represent some words in the song or chant.

For instance, the use of hand movements was used to signify various aspects of nature, like the when the tree sways in a breeze or the behavior of a wave in big water bodies, or even to show a feeling or emotion in an in individual.

The following is a video sample of a hula dance. visual arts portrayed in the dance style.

Hula dance came into existence from the Hawaiian island. It was introduced by the Polynesians who were initially settling there. The dramatizers during their presentation normally portray some words like oil and Mele but through a visual dance form. Initially, before the westerners came together with the Hawaii people, the dance was referred to as Kahiki. It was usually done with a lot of chants and the use of various traditional instruments (Martin,2013).

The whole process of globalization has led to changes in people's way of life in different countries. Hawaii as a country has diverted from their initial culture of Huli dance to cope up with the current innovations of the technological advancements. Many countries have dropped their cultures and are now adopting new trends in the world. Many indigenous cultures have been exploited in the tourism industry.


Martin, J. N., & Nakayama, T. K. (2013). Intercultural communication in contexts. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Lewis, G. H. (1996). Beyond the reef: Cultural constructions of Hawaii in mainland American, Australia, and Japan. Journal of popular culture, 30(2), 123.

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The changes began immediately the missionaries entered into the country, and majorly after being brought into a new world which they had not seen for a long time due to the isolation that they experienced for hundreds of years. The people's culture has generally changed with time due to the exposure to new ideas and people in the environment.. (2023, Jan 09). Retrieved from

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