Essay on The Emancipation Proclamation: Shifting Tides of Civil War in America

Published: 2023-11-28
Essay on The Emancipation Proclamation: Shifting Tides of Civil War in America
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  History American Civil War American history
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 577 words
5 min read


Emancipation Proclamation had a great impact on changing the activities fueling civil war among the African American race. Various states in the United States of America were experiencing a tough time due to the increased number of violence as they were rebelling the slavery action in their territory. It was a tough act for the country to agree for emancipation since it could negatively affect the United States of America's economy. According to Schwartz(557), the war was escalating from one state to another at an alarming rate, a factor that could come with a negative impact on the coexistence living of people to the USA. This could see a reduced number of economic activities due to the insecurities caused by the rebellion of African American people. The system needed to emancipate the rebellious people and were causing civil unrest to the affected states of America. Thus, for an easier understanding of how the civil war-related to the reconstruction era project, it’s essential to learn how the Emancipation Proclamation became a game-changer for the civil war.

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Civil war

People had become relentless due to the increased discrimination and suffering related to the slave trade in the United States of America. Due to discrimination, the civil war broke out based on individuals' skin color because a certain race felt to be more superior to the other (Masur, 104). The most common affected race was the African American race due to the discrimination they had undergone from the slavery actions besides them. They were not allowed to own anything, and their movement was restricted, which made them look inferior to the other races. They were subjected to hard labor with little pay and were not given a chance to represent a given election. Slavery continued because it provided cheap labor and security to the rich people protected by the government of the day.

The government depended a lot on slavery since it could grow its economy very fast than other countries spending on laborers. The laborers were slaves who were not paid, which made the government to make more profit (Masur 100). The United States of America could have grown too much stronger superpower if the government had maintained the slave trade. Thus, a civil war was the only deliberation that could lead them to make a difference from their suffering. With well-connected roots and leadership of the black activists, they organized civil unrest that could halt the authority's operation to listen to their plights by emancipating them.

Emancipation of African American Race

The emancipation of slavery in America was done after the election of Abraham Lincoln. He issued an unconditional freeing of all the African American people, and he ensured that they were protected legally by the rule of law. The election of Abraham Lincoln into power had a great impact since it brought peaceful coexistence of the white race and black race in the country. Also, it brought reprieve to the blacks that were being frustrated (Schwartz 591). Thus, it was a new phase for the government to start new development based on the equality of all the races after the cessation of slavery.

Works Cited

Masur, Louis P. Lincoln's hundred days: The emancipation proclamation and the war for the union. Harvard University Press, 2012: 93-178

Schwartz, Barry. "The emancipation proclamation: Lincoln’s many second thoughts." Society 52.6 (2015): 590-603.

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Essay on The Emancipation Proclamation: Shifting Tides of Civil War in America. (2023, Nov 28). Retrieved from

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