Essay Example on the Implication of Maintaining a Zoo

Published: 2022-11-01
Essay Example on the Implication of Maintaining a Zoo
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Animals
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1333 words
12 min read

Specific Purpose: This paper aims at persuading the audience to understand the implication of maintaining a zoo. By the end of my speech, my audience will understand the adverse implication of the zoos, the reasons as to why we should stop supporting zoos, and the methods to use to stop supporting zoos.

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Thesis: To prevent further support for zoos and ensure that wild animals do not continue to be contained in zoos by creating an awareness of the implications of maintaining zoos as well as the provision of measures to implement in a bid to stop the support for zoos.

Preview Statement: First, the paper discusses the issues concerned with the support for zoos. Then the paper will create awareness about effective means of stopping the support for zoos.


Attention Getter: There was an incident in Cincinnati zoo after a 3-year-old boy fell into an enclosure for a gorilla. In response to protecting the boy, the employees of the zoo were compelled to shoot at the gorilla. Consequently, the incident elicited various reactions and arguments concerning the maintenance of zoos.

Background/Credibility: First, it is crucial to understand that zoos are places where wild animals are kept enclosed in either cages or aquariums for human for human viewership. However, the instance at Cincinnati zoo proves how inhumane zookeepers can be and what kind of threat that people pose to animals while keeping them in a zoo. Wild animals should be left to live naturally in the wilderness rather than enclosing them for personal gain. It is crucial to note that entrance to zoos has charges; hence, the zookeepers tend to maintain the zoos in a bid to have financial gain from the charges that people pay at the entrance. Additionally, the animals are sometimes subjected to injections and treatments which suffice to be an inhumane act against the world animals.

Thesis: To prevent further support for zoos and ensure that wild animals do not continue to be contained in zoos by creating an awareness of the implications of maintaining zoos as well as the provision of measures to implement in a bid to stop the support for zoos.

Preview Statement: First, the paper discusses the issues concerned with the support for zoos. Then the paper will provide awareness about effective means of stopping the support for zoos.

Transition: First, let us discuss the problems associated with keeping a zoo.

It is a business.

Contrary to the beliefs of the many zoos are businesses set up by people to gain out of the charges they collect an entrance fee. Although the primary assumption about zoos is that they are dedicated to helping animals, zookeepers turn it to a profitable business whereby they sell entrance tickets and invite visitors to take pictures. Zoos should look like the Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee which rescues elephants used in circuses, which is a traumatic instance; and keep them in the sanctuary with no ticket sales, and no enclosures(Fanning, 2017). Hence, Zoos which take animals in the wilderness and put them in enclosures should be shut down as they use that for their gain

The lifelong lover of wild animals David Gill is an example of how private sector zookeepers focus on gaining profits rather than saving the wildlife. Gill's private zoo recorded a 12% mortality rate before 2010, and there were also claims about high charges at the entrance. He was one time charged with the violation of permit conditions in his Queensland Zoo (Bennett, 2017). Within the zoos, animals experience mistreatment which could consequently lead to their death.

It is crucial to note that not all animals kept in the zoo are endangered species. The zookeepers focus on identifying animals with the great attraction for visitors (Braverman, 2012). The endangered species suffice to be some of the rare animals such as gorillas; however, the zookeepers never rehabilitate them back to their natural habitat and end up enclosing them in the cages for viewership purposes. The incidence at Cincinnati proves that zookeepers do not want emergency or contingency plans to ensure that animals are not a threat or they are not killed in the circumstances like the one in Cincinnati zoo. Therefore, it is evident that zoos are primarily for profit and not for animal conservation which affirms the reason to stop supporting zoos.

Transition: Now let us talk about the solutions to the problems

To stop the wild animal suffering in the Zoos, it is essential to use the legislation as well as ensure animal sanctuaries do not sell tickets.

The primary problem about the issues involved in zoos is that zookeepers have turned it into a for-profitbusiness. As such, the zookeepers should not be charging entrance fees into the sanctuaries. There should be no enclosures if the animals are not dangerous, and also not ticket payment while visiting the particular zoos (Redford et al., 2011). This ensures that the zoos do not keep wild animals as captives for their financial gain.

Additionally, the government should assess how the zoos are of importance to wildlife conservation and whether they adhere to permit regulations. The zookeepers should provide an outline of how they rehabilitate the endangered animals they capture back to their natural habitat (Dawkins, 2017). Hence, animals should not be held captives if they are not necessarily endangered in their natural habitat.

Transition: This discussion has analyzed the problems of zoo keeping and the solutions to resolve the particular issues.


Review and Summary of Points

First, we discussed the problems associated with zoos

Zoos are particular businesses where the owners focus on collecting ticket fees from the visitors. Animal sanctuaries should not focus on collecting ticket fees but rather to make the sanctuaries a rescue place for endangered species who are restored to their natural habit after the understanding treatment and other processes. The animals should not be kept captives in enclosures, aquariums, or cages.

Another problem is that animals living in the zoo are actually in danger and could be killed. The Cincinnati incidence provides an understanding of how animals could be killed rather than having a contingency or an emergency plan to save both the wild animal in an enclosure and the child.

Subsequently, we discussed the solutions to the problems

It is crucial for the government to intervene and ensure that animals are not kept as captives in zoos for personal gain of the zoo owners. Also, there should be regulations about the appropriate practice of zoo owners in saving the endangered species.

Thesis: Wild animals kept in zoos are sometimes not endangered species and sometimes could be harmed by the zookeepers. In the recent past, many zoo owners have turned such parks into business areas whereby they exploit the wildlife for personal gain. It is crucial to stop the support for zoos and ensure that wild animal released by creating an awareness of the implications of zoos as well as the provision of measures to implement in a bid to stop the support for zoos.

Call to Action: If the government wishes to maintain the safety of wildlife, there should be regulations such as the elimination of entrance tickets or enclosing of animals to ensure that the primary objective of the zoo owners is not gain provide. There should be stricter rules and regulations.

Final Thought: Wild animals are in more danger while living in zoos that they should be while in their natural habitats. Zookeepers tend to exploit them for financial gain.


Bennett, C. (2017, December 1). If we love animals, we should close all zoos now | Catherine Bennett. Retrieved from

Braverman, I. (2012). Zooland: The institution of captivity. Stanford University Press.

Dawkins, M. S. (2017). Animal welfare with and without consciousness. Journal of Zoology, 301(1), 1-10.

Fanning, A. (2017, August 28). Why We Should Stop Supporting Zoos and Aquariums. Retrieved from

Redford, K. H., Amato, G., Baillie, J., Beldomenico, P., Bennett, E. L., Clum, N., ... & Lieberman, S. (2011). What does it mean to conserve a (vertebrate) species successfully?BioScience, 61(1), 39-48.

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Essay Example on the Implication of Maintaining a Zoo. (2022, Nov 01). Retrieved from

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