Paper Example. The Issue of Anxiety and Depression in Higher Education Institutions

Published: 2023-03-03
Paper Example. The Issue of Anxiety and Depression in Higher Education Institutions
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Students Mental health Depression Anxiety disorder
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 466 words
4 min read

Therefore, in this paper, I try to analyze the issue of anxiety and depression in higher education institutions and their influence on mental among students.

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Qualitative Analysis

(Allison Leonard 2019)

Qualitative analysis explaining why college students have a high prevalence of depressive symptoms and anxiety


Explains factors that can result in depression among college students. Suggestions on ways to solve the depression problem

Trending issues in mental health


The author provides a review of the status of counseling among college students. The author also talks about historical and current trends that are experienced among university students on counseling and the provision of mental healthcare services.


Explains the use of the public model by universities in order to assist students in addressing mental health problems.


Analysis of the impact of campus-based advice on university students.

Statistics Analysis on-campus students with mental health problems


Discuss the impact of students not seeking help to resolve their mental case problems and statistical data on the status of university students. Summary of reasons as to why college students do not want to take part in counseling.


Summarize the content of the paper

Relate the topic to solutions offered by colleges and universities in assisting students in resolving depression and anxiety.

(Benson-Tilsen and Cheskis-Gold,2017)

Discussion of techniques used by universities to engage their college students in counseling.

An elaboration on reasons why most students with a mental health problem are not willing to open up to share their problems.


Benson-Tilsen, G., & Cheskis-Gold, R. (2017). Mind and Body: wellness center trends in the US

Higher Education. Planning for Higher Education, 45(4), 137-156.

Fruhauf, A., Niedermeier, M., Elliott, L. R., Ledochowski, L., Marksteiner, J., & Kopp, M.

(2016). Acute effects of outdoor physical activity on affect and psychological well-being in depressed patients-A preliminary study. Mental Health and Physical Activity, 10, 4-9.

Hutchinson, D. S. (2015). Mental health: Creating and cultivating a campus community that supports mental health. In Wellness Issues for Higher Education (pp. 53-68). Routledge

Leonard, A. (2019). The Relationship between Campus Wellness Centre Usage and Symptoms of Depression in College Freshmen. Retrieved from

Rudick, C. K., & Dannnels, D. P. (2018). Yes, and: continuing the scholarly conversation about mental health stigma in higher education. Communication Education, 67(3), 404-408.

Rosenberg, D. (2018, February 9). 1 in 5 college students has anxiety or depression. Here's why. The Conversation. Retrieved from

Prince, J. P. (2015). University student counseling and mental health in the United States:

Trends and challenges. Mental Health & Prevention, 3(1-2), 5-10.

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Paper Example. The Issue of Anxiety and Depression in Higher Education Institutions. (2023, Mar 03). Retrieved from

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