Research Proposal Paper Sample: The Leisure Activities and Behaviors of Students at UCLA

Published: 2022-11-11
Research Proposal Paper Sample: The Leisure Activities and Behaviors of Students at UCLA
Type of paper:  Research proposal
Categories:  University Behavior
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1151 words
10 min read

The general aim of the research is to use the theory of planned behavior (TPB) to understand the behavior of University of Central Lancashire international students' behaviors of taking part in UK based leisure activities. The level that a student perceives the risk involved in a particular behavior will affect their intent to engage in leisure activities. The primary purpose of the research is to use the theory of planned behavior as a framework to examine how perceived risk affects the willingness of the University of Central Lancashire international students. The specific objectives that will guide the research include:

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  1. To examine the correlation between intent to travel and attitude toward behavior, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control.
  2. To evaluate how the University of Central Lancashire international students engage positively to various values and how it impacts on adapting smoothly to the local lifestyle.
  3. To examine the influence of perceived risk on the behavioral intent of University of Central Lancashire international students to partake in leisure travel.

The research questions include:

  1. Does perceived risk correlate to the University of Central Lancashire international students' approach to travel for leisure and the ultimate behavioral intent?
  2. What are the expected social pressures that international students at the University of Central Lancashire have to perform travel for leisure?
  3. How do UCLan international students perceive taking part in leisure travel activities?

The research proposes an assumption that international students at the University of Central Lancashire believe that participating in leisure travel significantly assists them to adapt and reduces the pressure they face with a new nation. They perceive the result of engaging in leisure activities as a way of creating a comfortable setting and new drive to participate in their studies effectively.

Justification for the Study

There is an increasing number of international students in the UK; hence they pose diverse cultures and customs. Consequently, they not only have to deal with the university education pressures but also adapting to the new cultures, a way of life and learning environment (Li & Stodolska, 2006). International students make a considerable population at the University of Central Lancashire, and they face a variety of cultures and society that significantly differ with their home country. Challenges in dealing and adapting to the cultures present international students with difficulty in integrating into the particular country. When international students participate in local leisure activities, they quickly adjust to the local culture. University of Central Lancashire international students undergo challenges while fitting in the new university as well as host country environments and have difficulty in making their free time more meaningful. The young generation, mainly the millennials, adjusting to university life, especially international students is a broader and multidimensional concept regarding the variables that are impacting on university adjustments (Myburgh, Niehaus & Poggenpoel, 2002).

The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) gives a detailed structure to understand international students' habits to participate in local leisure activities (Montano & Kasprzyk, 2015). Leisure travel has a significant impact on balancing out the stress and experience various cultures and customs. International students' beliefs and evaluation of outcomes combine to generate a positive attitude to leisure travel.

An Outline of the Research Method

The research will utilize qualitative research method, combining qualitative data obtained from interviews and focus group discussions. Participants of the study will be recruited through convenience sampling which is a non-probabilistic sampling method that primarily depends on data collection from convenient members of the study participants. The interviews will provide a basis were international students of the University of Central Lancashire to explore the meanings, concepts, and description of travel for leisure, which best serves to put forward their interests. This will include their perceptions of the areas they visited, their attitude, intention, and plan to participate in leisure travel, the perceived risk that may include psychological, financial or social risks. It is essential to explore the experiences, views, and opinions of international students regarding their attitudes towards traveling for leisure. For the research, a semi-structured interview is opted to create a resourceful interaction between the international students and the researcher.

Focused group discussions will include approximately 6-12 people, while the researcher will guide the discussion on leisure activities and behavior. The focus group discussion will be useful for the study because it will examine how social knowledge is produced (Creswell & Creswell, 2017). It will enable the researcher to stimulate the discussion to evaluate how knowledge and ideas function among University of Central Lancashire international students. Using this method, more sensitive issues can be discussed within the group while personal information will be captured through the interviews. Therefore, through a qualitative research method, the researcher will be able to collect in depth and detailed data by encouraging participants to expand their responses regarding travel for leisure.

Data Collection

The primary population for the study is international students enrolled at the University of Central Lancashire. This research will use both interviews and focus group discussions; therefore, each participant will be provided with a consent form to indicate the type of study they will participate. It is vital to assure participants of their privacy, and it is voluntary based; hence, there are no consequences for withdrawal in the participation. Additionally, participants will be informed that there are no specific benefits or associated risks after completing the study. Participants will also be notified the required time estimations that will be needed to complete the study, possibility of the study publication and data security assurance. Moreover, participants will be issued with contacts of the researcher to provide more elaboration in case of any issues or concerns.

The researcher contacted the international student's office of UCLan to seek corporation. International students currently enrolled will then be notified through emails for their voluntary participation in the study. The researcher will create a social media account in WhatsApp and Facebook to generate interaction with participants within easy reach to increase ease of access to the researched group. Schedules and content of the study will constantly be shared through the accounts. The researcher will then form a group of international students considering the wide variety of national and cultural backgrounds. Moreover, the researcher will also determine participants among students who are willing to participate in the study. International students who will express interest to participate in the study will be sent consent and research documents, interview and focus group discussions will be scheduled between March and April.


Creswell, J. W., & Creswell, J. D. (2017). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approach. Sage publications.

Li, M. Z., & Stodolska, M. (2006). Transnationalism, leisure, and Chinese graduate students in the United States. Leisure Sciences, 28(1), 39-55.

Montano, D. E., & Kasprzyk, D. (2015). Theory of reasoned action, the theory of planned behavior, and the integrated behavioral model. Health behavior: Theory, research and practice, 95-124.

Myburgh, C. P. H., Niehaus, L., & Poggenpoel, M. (2002). International learners' experiences and coping mechanisms within a culturally diverse context. Education, 123(1), 107-130.

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Research Proposal Paper Sample: The Leisure Activities and Behaviors of Students at UCLA. (2022, Nov 11). Retrieved from

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