Free Essay: The Chemical Components of the Water in The Millbrook Watershed

Published: 2019-06-26
Free Essay: The Chemical Components of the Water in The Millbrook Watershed
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Environment Chemistry Water
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 586 words
5 min read

The Millbrook watershed is an important habitat for many flora and fauna. The inhabitation of the surrounding areas by humans has caused dramatic changes in the chemical composition of the water. As the human habitation increases in the surrounding areas of the watershed, the pollution levels have increased steadily and affected the flora and fauna of the watershed. The runoff water from the human habitation in the class has led to increased pollution in the water and affected the quality of the water. The proximity of human settlement in the region has affected the quality of the water in the watershed. In this research, we compare the quality of water in the DIKE and Center Grove Road to see how proximity to human settlement affects the quality of the water. The chemical components of the water differed with the proximity to human settlements.

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The average dissolved oxygen levels at the dike were 9.9 while at the CGR it was The average temperature of the water at the dike was 10.09 degree Celsius while at the CGR it was 12.3. The conductivity of the water was higher at the dike at 346 micromhos while at the CGR it was 293.2. The phosphate and ammonia levels of the water were higher at the CGR compared to dike while the nitrate levels were higher at the CGR. The chemical content of the water was affected by the proximity to human settlement.

The average rate of dissolved oxygen in the Dike was 9.9 while at the CGR it was 9.4. The high presence of oxygen levels in the water was as a result of high levels of bacteria present in the water. The runoff water from the CCM campus contains sewage content that increases the rate of dissolved oxygen in the water. The Dike, which is much closer to the CCM campus, has a higher inflow of water containing sewage content into the watershed. The average temperatures of the water in the watershed were 12.4 degrees Celsius at the CGR and 10.9 at the Dike. The temperature variance could also be a cause of the variance in the oxygen concentration of the watershed. Temperatures high temperatures limit the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water.

On average, the pH levels of the water remained constant in both collection points. The phosphate levels were higher at the CGR compared to the dike. The ammonia levels were equally high at the CGR compared to the dike. Ammonia and nitrate substances also emanate from the high levels of the sewage waste. Ammonia is very harmful to aquatic animals, and high concentration of ammonia leads to their death. Ammonia is an important element for the growth of plants and is useful in many fertilizers. However, in water, ammonia becomes harmful to the aquatic animals, which are very sensitive to high concentrations of ammonia in the water. Despite the fact that the Dike was closer to human habitation, ammonia and phosphates were lower at that point. The probable cause of decreased levels of ammonia was the low vegetation at the dike. The Dike had low vegetation coverage, which led to the flow of the ammonia and phosphate particles that are insoluble. The lack of vegetation led to less accumulation of ammonia and phosphate particles in the water. At the CGR water moved at a slower pace than the dike. The vegetative cover in the area provided a perfect place for the settlement of ammonia and phosphate residues.

Harrison, Roy M. Pollution: Causes, Effects and Control. Cambridge: Royal Soc. of Chemistry, 2001. Print.

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