Essay Sample on The Mission of the Company

Published: 2023-03-29
Essay Sample on The Mission of the Company
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Leadership analysis Goal Company Customer service
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1865 words
16 min read

The mission of the Company is to produce the best clothes that meet customer needs and offer new designs that meet the expectations of the customer. The goal of the Company is to produce a wide range of clothes that meet the standards and expectations of the customers for maximum satisfaction. The primary customers of the clothes produced by the Company are a middle-class group of people in society. The clothes produced by the Company are of both gender and comprises all the types of clothes worn by both genders.

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The Vision of the Company

The vision of the Company is to satisfy the expectation and desires of the customers by producing quality clothes that meet the required standards. The Company wishes to produce more clothes to widen the market range and serve more customers. The vision of the Company is to open branches in different parts of the world and produce more clothes to meet the demand. The company's vision includes increasing the profit margin by increasing production.

Values of the Company

The Company has values that guide the employees and the Company while engaging in various activities. All the employees and other stakeholders are expected to uphold the values at all times when engaging the Company. The values of the Company include Integrity, Accountability, Honesty, Boldness, Trust, and Commitment to Customers. The values help the Company have a conducive working relationship with various stakeholders that the Company interacts with. The values ensure that the Company is compliant with all the requirements by the government.



The Company operates in an environment where there are both internal and external factors that affect the Company. Internal and external factors influence the success of the Company; hence managers need to know how to handle the factors. Understanding the business environment helps managers know how to handle different situations when they arise because the environment keeps on changing from time to time. There are weaknesses of the business; hence the factors both internal and external factors will determine the success of the business.

Business Environment

The internal factors that affect the Company include the leaders in the Company, where the team leaders in the Company guide other employees in their work. There are different leadership styles that are used to pass information across different levels in government (Uyar & Gungormus, 2017). Leadership entails guiding the employees to do their work in the right manner for the success of the Company. Where there is poor leadership in a business the business is likely to fail because employees will not be committed in their work. The leaders hold the vision for the Company; hence their leadership is responsible for guiding the employees toward achieving the goals of the business.

The human resource is another internal factor that influences the success of the Company. The human resource comprises of the skills of the employees working for the business. The Company should aim at having the best employees that have the necessary skills to do the business. The organizational structure is also an internal factor that influences the success of the Company (Uyar & Gungormus, 2017). The business needs to have enough finances to facilitate the running of the business. The business needs to ensure that all the processes are running smoothly by having a clear organizational structure. The internal factors ensure that there is operational efficiency for the success of the business.

The external factors influence the business and the business do not have any means to control the external factors for the factors to favor the business. The external factors affect the Company; hence the Company needs to adjust to suit the conditions (Uyar & Gungormus, 2017). The external factors include political factors, technological factors, and competitive factors, economic and social factors. The external factors can either influence the Company positively or negatively. The business can only try to adjust and cope with external factors.


Corporate social responsibility is a business philosophy where the business gives back to society by engaging in acts that promote the welfare of the community that the people live in. There are ethical considerations to be followed during the implementation of CSR (Crane, Matten & Spence, 2019). The Company should be able to sustain the costs incurred as the business gives back to the community. The Company impacts the community by identifying the necessities of the community and trying to come up with the solution to the challenges that the people face. The business should be able to continue with operations while engaging in corporate social responsibility.

The external factors affect the decision of the Company to participate in corporate social responsibility, such as political influence. All the activities of the Company must comply with the legal requirements set by the law (Crane, Matten & Spence, 2019). Following the laws set reduces the conflict that might arise in the community when the Company is giving back to the community. The internal factor that influences corporate social responsibility is focusing on the primary goal of the Company, which is earning a profit; hence the resources spent in CSR should be moderate.

Sustainability is an important factor to be considered before the Company starts any CSR project, sustainability is how the project will continue to operate after the Company is complete with the project (Crane, Matten & Spence, 2019). Some project does not require finances to continue with its operations while other projects will require finances; hence the Company needs to have a strategy of how it will continue with its operations. Engagement in CSR the Company should enjoy the benefits of community engagement in different ways; therefore, the Company needs to design the business in a manner that the Company will enjoy benefits by participating in CSR.


The involvement of the Company in corporate social responsibility will have an impact on the Company in different ways. The Company needs to be prepared for the impact on its sustainability. The impact includes increased expenditure incurred by the Company in charity work in the form of CSR (Suki, Suki, & Azman, 2016). The Company needs to ensure that it has the resources required that will ensure the production continues without the shortage of working capital that the Company uses. Resources is a major factor hence budgeting is required to set aside the resources to be used in CSR. The impact is that the Company will increase the resources that it uses for various projects.

The other impact is good working relationships with different stakeholders, including the community and the government. The Company will need to engage the state while giving back to the community hence strengthening the relationship between the two parties (Suki, Suki, & Azman, 2016). The CSR project will eliminate the challenge that the community faced; hence the people will be happy to have the Company in the community. The Company needs to be prepared for the impact; hence various steps need to be taken to ensure that the impact does not affect the operations of the Company. The impact will be determined by the involvement of the people and the type of project that the Company chose to work on.

The best way for the Company to prepare for the impact is by carrying prior risks analysis on what are the likely impacts to the Company for engaging in various projects before implementing the projects (Suki, Suki, & Azman, 2016). The risk analysis will identify the potential threats, and the Company will come up with mitigation strategies to deal with the risks. There are impacts that might cause the Company to close down by affecting its operations; hence they need to be identified and mitigated.


Ethics are very critical in any business; may it be a startup or an already existing business. Regulatory and business ethics impact different aspects of a business, such as corporate strategy, decision-making processes, as well as brand development (Davies, 2016). The fashion industry depends on other sectors such as manufacturing, production, raw materials, advertising, transport as well as retailing. When companies start making a profit, they may be tempted to engage in unethical business activities. They may be tempted to exploit the consumers through unfair pricing or even treat the manufacturers and producers unfairly. The management of the business may also be tempted to make selfish decisions as well as lie about their product development.

One of the regulations that are likely to impact the company is legal issues related to equality, labor laws as well as workers' rights. The workers may work, for example, picket and demand for an increase in wages as well as medical insurance benefits (Davies, 2016). If the company is compelled to increase the wages, production will be impacted. This is because they need to add this cost to the cost of production, and the final burden will be on the consumer through increased prices for the product. Employee welfare is, therefore, an ethical issue that should be considered keenly and wise, informed decisions made. The company can avoid employee picketing by ensuring that they comply with minimum wage laws.

The second ethical issue that could impact the business's corporate strategy is environmental impacts and concerns (Davies, 2016). In the fashion business, some of the raw materials have an impact on the environment. The synthetic materials are, for example, from petroleum, while other raw materials are grown inland, which could instead have been used for the production of food. It is also unethical when businesses use natural materials that have been produced by children. Some farm owners use child labor, and this may tarnish the image of the business they sell their products to.

Unethical advertising also is another issue that is worth noting. It happens in brand development and affects the image of the company as well as its products (Bin et al.,2014). Advertising is a legitimate industry that is regulated to avoid any misleading information, deceit, and fostering of immoral behavior. Using fear is also unethical in advertising unless it is justified. In the apparel industry, a company may be tempted to advertise a garment as pure cotton to lure customers. This is unethical, and instead of promoting the brand, it can lead to customer backlash and subsequently lack of trust leading to decreased sales and profitability.

To ensure that the business avoids the consequences of unethical activities and non-compliance to industry regulations, they have to align all their activities related to corporate strategy, brand development, and decision-making processes to the business ethics and regulations. The company should identify the interventions that are compatible with their mission, vision, and objectives. This will help in ensuring that the ethical issues and regulations do not jeopardize the operations and, subsequently, the profitability (Davies, 2016). In the fashion industry, quality is of great concern; hence the production process should be carried out in alignment with the mission. Brand development is a process that facilitates brand growth in the market. This is achieved through an ethical advertisement that is free from misleading or false information.

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