Free Essay: The Modern Health Care Leader

Published: 2023-07-10
Free Essay: The Modern Health Care Leader
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Leadership analysis Goal Healthcare policy Essays by pagecount
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 471 words
4 min read

Leadership refers to an individual's ability to guide other people without coercion or force into a particular direction or a decision that leaves them motivated, empowered, and more accomplished. Leadership is beyond authority and popularity. Authentic leadership develops people and helps them achieve their potential. This review will analyze leadership and how applying its components can lead to success in healthcare.

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Summarize the Various Components of Leadership and How They Vary from Management.

Leadership often conflicts with management in; communication, management issues directions while leadership ask questions and seeks clarifications (Smiley, 2018). Team building; while management is characterized by authority, leadership motivates and empowers individuals. Lastly; vision, where, leadership creates change while management reacts to change.

How Will Accomplishing These Objectives Support Your Success in Management?

Integrating the components of leadership in management, such as effective communication, will assist me in accomplishing the essential functions of management including, planning, organizing, controlling, and decision making (Malik et al., 2017). A component like a team-building will help me create effective and diverse teams within the healthcare and a workplace with a useful structure whose goal is to boost productivity. Having a vision will enable me to introduce revolutionary changes in the healthcare system to merge with the current technological advancement while at the same projecting accurately in readiness any future change.

What Risks or Challenges Might A Health Care Manager Encounter If He or She Has Not Mastered These Objectives? Explain.

Failure in communication will lead to uncertainty, lack of collaboration, poor teamwork, miscommunication of schedules, and deadlines, which might be detrimental to the well-being of the patients. Failed team building means reduced collaboration even during the execution of critical medical procedures (Flores et al., 2018). The quality of work significantly reduces as people do not work as a team. Lack of vision means all the essential changes required in the medical field will not be implemented, or the management will only wait for inexperienced external forces such as politicians to make the changes and react to them.


While management traits are essential in enforcing and ensuring all the guidelines are adhered to, managers who sum up as leaders always propel the sectors they are in charge of to greater heights. These traits or components include communication, team building, and vision. These components are essential in health to implement much-needed changes to improve service delivery.


Smiley, F. (2018, July). Leadership Guide to Conflict and Conflict Management. Pressbooks.Pub; The Ohio State University Pressbooks.

Flores, A. L., Risley, K., & Quintana, K. (2018). Developing a public health pipeline: key components of a public health leadership program: preventive medicine and community health, 1(2).

Malik, W. U., Javed, M., & Hassan, S. T. (2017). Influence of transformational leadership components on job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social Sciences (PJCSS), 11(1), 147-166.

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