Free Essay on the Team Works in Organizations

Published: 2023-04-20
Free Essay on the Team Works in Organizations
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Human resources Organizational behavior Interpersonal communication
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 637 words
6 min read

Teamwork is a combined group action that chooses to perform duties collectively (Allan,2014). This paper identifies the different aspects of collaboration and their relevant challenges and advantages

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Experience working in teams

Working in teams gives members room to learn from each other through their interaction while working. Working in a cement production company gave employees opportunities to combine ideas and abilities, thus increasing productivity, and enhancing communication among employees in an organization. Team building is an ongoing process that should work toward cohesiveness in a cement company as a leader one should ensure team building was effective by taking into consideration all the ideas raised by employees. Clear team goals were set guiding the team on their tasks.

Advantages of teamwork

Teamwork promotes unity in the workplace by motivating friendship and loyalty. An example includes employees with different communication skills, talent, and strengths to encourage work relationship that motivates other employees to put more effort, join forces, and back up each other. Through teamwork, employees learn to work as a whole toward achieving the same goal in harmony (Samardzic,2009)

Teamwork encourages improved efficiency and productivity by ensuring the workload is shared, reducing pressure on individuals. The cement-producing company promotes collaboration, thus ensuring tasks are completed on time, allowing goals to be attainable, enhancing the optimization of resources, and improving job satisfaction in the workplace.

Additionally, teamwork promotes workplace synergy encouraging members to feel a sense of accomplishment (Samardzic,2009). When employees are accountable and play their roles, they are compelled to share the same dream, beliefs, and objectives, promoting an individual's synergy, which is a powerful instrument. A cement production company requires employees to work in teams and ensure high productivity and speedy workflow.

Challenges of working in teams

One challenge of teamwork is social loafing as employees exert less individual effort on a task as the group increases. An example includes an employee who has low motivation and develops disinterest in the team dragging a job behind since they do not want to cooperate. Loafing rests heavily on an individual's performance, isolating individuals through discrete tasks and responsibilities helps in avoiding this challenge from occurring.

Secondly, groupthink is the other another challenge that occurs in teams as employees tend to think and act in the same way, feeling reluctant to go against the rest of the team. An example includes an employee who faces group favoritism and makes little effort to search for new information. Such an employee diminishes diversity and creates conflict making the team unsuccessful.

Thirdly, a lack of purpose in a team is another challenge that compels individuals from connecting with teammates slowing progress in a task (Samardzic, 2009). An employee in a company may experience difficulty working in a team where a leader does not communicate clearly and regularly, creating a challenge and making employees less engaged and unsatisfied in a group as they lack a reason and direction as to why they are working.

Learning through the team-building process

Employees should be familiar with the numerous progress stages in developing a group and know how best to move the team. The first stage in team-building was forming, where employees met and started to work together (Allan,2009). The second stage was storming as members of the team began to compete for leadership positions coming as a surprise, testing the qualities of a leader. The third stage was norming; rules were set and finalized ready to adhere to. The final step was performing, whereby the team started to be effective and efficient in the workplace. These stages helped the teams in moving forward in the team-building process.


Allan, M. (2009, April 27). How to move the team through the stages of team development. Expertise.

Samardzic, A. N. (2015). Teamwork effectiveness: benefits and challenges. FutureLearn.

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