Free Essay Example: To Be Wise in Consuming Psychological Research

Published: 2019-05-27
Free Essay Example: To Be Wise in Consuming Psychological Research
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Psychology Research Media
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 556 words
5 min read

The article attempts to disclose the variability in the conception of facts and the argument arising due to the misrepresentation of facts or ideas. To be specific, people perceive facts or ideas based on the evidence attached to them, in failure to that, the beliefs attached to those facts will not hold. This article reveals that people have tendencies of weighing existing options to draw conclusions. In addition, the article reveals the world as full of ideas that lack, if not all, evidence hence they are valid at selectively depending on the situation. The writer relates the acceptance of thoughts to the process involved in the judicial hearing. Just like the jury, a person is in need of evidence to validate a given judgment.

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In support of the above introduction, the writer reveals two tools a person may apply in studying the behavior of a person or rather a given phenomenon. In specific, the articles states how individuals are supposed to argue out their facts by use of evidence but not opinions. The two tools suggested are random sampling and experimental sampling. Random sampling involves selecting a very small proportion of the people from within a very large sample. They then estimate what the entire population is like based on the responses of those sampled. Experiment sampling involves taking individuals from a sample and dividing them into two groups, and then an experiment is initiated in one of the group to determine the results from the two groups. However, this tool is incomplete without random assignment.

Random assignment takes place after people have been sampled in a study. It involves assigning people to two different specific conditions in an experiment, and random assignment occurs only when everyone in the study has an equal chance of serving under any specific conditions. In addition, random sampling guarantees that the people sampled in a study will be as similar to those who were not sampled.

The writer has not deviated from the information and ideas found in the class textbooks. The writer has used the same idea in presenting the meaning of random sampling and evident sampling. Though the illustrations used are different, both the book and the article give the meaning of the tools of sampling.

Towards the end of the article, the writer declares that research is not exempted from alteration. Research can be altered to meet the interest of a few individuals who would like to benefit from the procedure. The writer also suggests that, despite how well the research has been conducted, several questions need to be answered to verify completely that the research is not biased. For instances, what was the condition or rather the state of the researcher during the process; nature and the state of the samples used in determining the results of the research and so forth. According to the writers view, there exist no disagreements. I believe that various researches are manipulated to give results that are appealing to the few lots. Researchers normally conducted research to find a solution to a problem or rather to improve a certain condition. If they are tampered with, then it will not be possible to determine the main solution to a given problem. Therefore, it is upon the right of every person to uphold the ethical measures that bide the research process.

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Free Essay Example: To Be Wise in Consuming Psychological Research. (2019, May 27). Retrieved from

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