Presentation Example: Random Acts of Kindness

Published: 2022-09-23
Presentation Example: Random Acts of Kindness
Type of paper:  Presentation
Categories:  Human behavior
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 626 words
6 min read

Topic: Random Acts of Kindness

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General Purpose: To urge people to show kindness to everyone, more so those whom they don't know, with no expectation of reward.

Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience to take part in random acts of kindness

Thesis: Taking part in random acts of kindness can put a smile on someone's face, brighten someone's day, change the world, and even save a person's life, or people's lives.


Attention-getter: Use an example of Mark walking home and dropping his books (Canfield, Hansen, & Geffen, 2014).

Central Idea: Taking part in random acts of kindness can put a smile on someone's face, brighten someone's day, change the world, and even save a person's life, or people's lives.

Credibility Statement: My primary interest is on random acts of kindness which I developed from reading a variety of books, and learnt the impact it has on people's lives

Preview: Engaging in random acts of kindness can put a smile on someone's face, brighten someone's day, change the world, and even save a person's life, or people's lives.

(Transition: Why should we be kind to others?)


Main Point: People are going through difficult situations; Unhappiness leads to more unhappiness; students find themselves in stressful situations such as deadlines

Sub point: News indicate people going through depression and engaging in mass shooting; people forget to compliment others, teachers having bad days yell at students

(Transition: Small efforts can halt these reactions and reverse. Every individual can manage)

Main Point: Through being kind to others, one can positively impact another person's life, and changing someone's day to be better. Someone can also boost another person's confidence, and manage to save a life and the world as well.

Sub Point: One can be kind through acknowledging what someone is doing, thanking a cafeteria for the outstanding service he/she offered, complimenting a friend on the his/her good deeds. Also, think of other things which you could do for others to change their lives to be better, and brighten their day.

(Transition: The following are examples of instances of what acts of kindness can do)

Main Point: Greek proverb suggests that "kindness begets happiness." (Hamilton, 2017)

Sub Point: Acts of kindness are a chain of reactions. A simple act of kindness breeds another. For example, teachers complimenting students on good performance. The act will boost the student's confidence, and go to the classroom and thank the classmates for their role in his/her good performance. The student can go ahead and compliment his/her friend, and the chain of reactions will continue. It is essential to engage in acts of kindness daily to benefit oneself and the society.

(Transition: Look at yourself engaging in random acts of kindness every day.)

Main Point: Imagine that you are thanking your parents for their role in educating and taking care of you

Sub Point: Random acts of kindness lack their adversities. It is a win-win situation. They make people feel good.

(Transition: Go and be kind to people. Do not just think)


The society is going through numerous challenges. People are going through difficult situations, and they find it hard to change problems into opportunities. They find it hard to turn bad moments into smiles which is a simple act of kindness. According to Eldridge (2014), I am going to be generous, honest, sincere and kind.


Canfield, J., Hansen, M. V., & Geffen, J. A. (2014). Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Story behind the Song: The Exclusive Personal Stories behind 101 of Your Favorite Songs. Simon and Schuster.

Eldridge, D. (2014). Incomplete and Random Acts of Kindness. A&C Black.

Hamilton, D. (2017). The Five Side-effects of Kindness: This Book Will Make You Feel Better, Be Happier & Live Longer. Hay House, Inc.

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Presentation Example: Random Acts of Kindness. (2022, Sep 23). Retrieved from

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