Free Essay on Tourism and Climate Change

Published: 2019-12-10
Free Essay on Tourism and Climate Change
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Ecology Tourism Global warming Climate change
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 439 words
4 min read

Tourism cannot be separated from the global response to climate change. The reason is that there exists a great relationship between tourism and global climate change (Hamilton, Maddison, and Tol, 2005). When responding to climate change globally, tourism emerges as inseparable from climate change because it acts as the both a contributor and a victim of climate change as well. Tourism activities are responsible for the emission of 4% of carbon dioxide gas in the atmosphere. Thus, tourism contributes to approximately 4.5% of global warming (Hamilton, Maddison, and Tol, 2005). On the contrary, regions depending on tourism are under threat, as the rise of sea levels will submerge islands and coastal areas. While rising sea levels, desertification, deforestation or the melting of snow and glaciers hurt the tourism economy, the tourism activities also contribute to its very existence to the warming process (Hatler, 2012). This study will focus on the effects of climate change on tourism sector or tourists activities.

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Research questions

i. What is the impact of global warming on wildlife as an important element in tourism?

ii. How does tourists activities contribute to climate?

The research will focus on the manner in which tourism and its related activities lead to climate change to study this question.

iii. What are UNWTOs recommendations to mitigate the effects of tourism growth on climate?

The study will discuss various recommendations by UNWTO critically in order to assess the guidelines and solutions towards climate change mitigation. Fundamentally, the UNWTOs recommendations promote mitigation and adaptation to climate change. Ideally, the adaptation and mitigation form an essential element of climate change debate. These two terms and processes can be complimentary, substitutable, or independent from each other. Fundamentally, the adaptation to climate change lowers its costs and thereby reduces the need for mitigating the effects of climate change (Hamilton, Maddison, and Tol, 2005). This question will be answered through the review of the relevant literature.

iv. What is the framework for tourisms response to climate change?

This study will examine the possible frameworks for tourism response on climate change. Notably, the framework for tourism response to climate change also involves adaptation and mitigation. The adaptation and mitigation form an essential element of climate change debate. These two terms and processes can be complimentary, substitutable, or independent from each other. On the complementary perspective, the adaptation to climate change lowers its costs and thereby reduces the need for mitigating the effects of climate change.


Hamilton, J.M., Maddison, D.J. and Tol, R.S., 2005. Effects of climate change on international tourism. Climate research, 29(3), pp.245-254.

Hatler, R. (2012). Sustainable Tourism: A Key to Global Solutions. Retrieved from

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Free Essay on Tourism and Climate Change. (2019, Dec 10). Retrieved from

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