Vacation: Expectations Vs Reality - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-09-16
Vacation: Expectations Vs Reality - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Entertainment
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 594 words
5 min read


Vacations is one of the most desired periods by many people as they get to unwind from the normal daily routine that takes a lot of their time. The main purpose of vacation for many people is to free the mind and relax so that when they resume their activities, they will have the needed energy. There are many places that people desire to go on vacation. Before many individuals visit various places for their vacation, they have some expectations. However, when these individuals arrive at these places, the reality that they experience many either be according to their expectations or different.

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One of the perfect vacation destinations that I once visited is Miami. Miami is well known for its luxury hotels and beaches, and this has been evident from a different form of advertisement that has been produced. The major expectation that I had while visit this vacation venue was that it was as luxurious. True to it, when I got to Miami, there were too many luxurious hotels. The kind of services that I received while at these hotels is that it was that of high quality since every that was needed was available. The other spectacular feature in Miami is the beaches. There are several beaches in Miami where one can be able to visit at any time. Most of these beaches are truly beautiful, just as they have been advertised in different ways. While at the beach, it is easy to see that there is a huge influx of people who are coming in to enjoy the breeze and relax at the beach.

Evaluation and Analysis

There are a lot of aspects concerning the place of vacation, that is, Miami. There are some expectations that do match with reality, while on the other hand, there are certain aspects that do not match with reality. One of the aspects that match the reality in this place of vacation is that the beaches are truly beautiful. Most of the scenes that are present are spectacular, and they are appealing to the eye. Also, the place is relaxing since it enjoys the beautiful view of the ocean as well as the sunlight, and the temperature is appropriate. Moreover, the hotels that are present within this destination place are offering quality service and of different ranges. Most of these services are aimed to ensure that more visitors are attracted to the location as this will earn them more revenue. As much of the expectations match reality, there are some that do not. The main element that does not match the reality of this place is that there a huge population. The huge population that constantly visits this place is the opposite of what many people expect that they would get ample spaces as well as hotel rooms that will ensure they enjoy their holiday.


Concluding, it is evident that most people desire to go out for vacations in different places and purposely for relaxing and freeing up their minds. There are various destinations that many people intend to go for their vacations, and one of the most common places is Miami. When a person decides to go to Miami, they have certain expectations that they hope to see when they get there. Eventually, when these individuals get there, they might find that the expectations they had met the reality. However, in some scenarios, the expectations that most people have may not meet reality; for example, there may be a huge population that makes it hard for them to enjoy their vacation.

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Vacation: Expectations Vs Reality - Essay Sample. (2023, Sep 16). Retrieved from

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