Paper Example. Visual-Based Genre Project: Animation on Negative Peer Pressure

Published: 2023-10-29
Paper Example. Visual-Based Genre Project: Animation on Negative Peer Pressure
Essay type:  Cause and effect essays
Categories:  School Pressure Bullying
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 606 words
6 min read

Peer groups are an essential part of a teenager’s life, and it is, therefore, typical for a teenager to worry about fitting in such groups. Peers can affect teenagers both positively and negatively. This animation will aim at educating teenagers on how to prevent themselves from obtaining negative peer influence. Therefore, two major questions of concern will be addressed, the question of why teenagers fall into negative peer pressure and the question of how teenagers can prevent themselves from negative influence. Animation is the most appropriate method of communication to teenagers due to its comic nature; teenagers are more interested and can relate better to animations. This essay describes my visual project, which will focus on educating teenagers on how to avoid negative peer pressure through the use of animations.

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The animation will use six characters and a classroom format will be simulated in the assumption of these characters being a group of friends. All the six animated characters will be determined to succeed academically and pursue their careers. However, five of the characters will abuse cocaine and other pills sold to increase focus during the study (Feng and Yan 55). Their grades will rise at high speed in comparison to those of Sparky, the one character left out in cocaine abuse. Sparky feels left out and acquires depression due to neglect by his friends. Sparky decides to visit the school clinic, where he gets to talk to a psychologist regarding his feelings. The psychologist advises Sparky to leave his friends and develop new friends with whom he shares good morality.

According to Keyzers et al. (5) Psychological conditions such as depression and feelings of neglect are common when a teenager resists peer pressure and has to give up on friends. The clip will advise on that by suggesting that they should see school psychologists and counselors. The aftermath of buying into negative peer pressure will also be demonstrated through the other five animated characters besides Sparky; they will develop cocaine addiction and drop out of school.

Through this short animation, teenagers will have already related to a few situations they felt that whatever their friends were doing was wrong. Teenagers will also obtain the idea of seeking help when stuck with negative peer pressure. This animation will be created using GoAnimate software. To ensure that teenagers watch the full video, the animation will be six minutes long. This software will require me to provide the words by each character where they will be automatically synced with character voices. The software is also useful for this animation project as it allows for character customization.

Conclusively, for my visual-based genre project, the topic of concern will be negative peer pressure. The target audience for this visual is teenagers hence the use of animations for presentation. The software GoAnimate will be utilized to make a six-minute-long clip involving six characters in a classroom and school setting. Teenagers will be in a better position to relate to this animation and create an everlasting memory of the lessons. Famous cartoon names such as Sparky and Timmy will also be used for the animation character to increase its relevance to the audience. At the end of this presentation, each viewer is expected to have learned about the general concept of peer pressure, especially how to avoid it and how to conquer the psychological conditions of post-peer pressure situations.

Works Cited

Feng, Wang, and Yan Yongliang. "Research on the Creation of Poetic Animated Short Films for Teenagers." 14 (2020): 41-61.

Keyzers, Angela, Sun-Kyung Lee, and Jodi Dworkin. "Peer pressure and substance use in emerging adulthood: a latent profile analysis." Substance Use & Misuse (2020): 1-8.

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Paper Example. Visual-Based Genre Project: Animation on Negative Peer Pressure. (2023, Oct 29). Retrieved from

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