Paper Example. Website About ADD or ADHD

Published: 2023-11-27
Paper Example. Website About ADD or ADHD
Essay type:  Persuasive essays
Categories:  Internet Medicine Software Disorder
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 835 words
7 min read

Many human beings from different nations have heard about attention deficit hyperactivity disorders (ADHD). The perception of diseases has been a challenge in the health sector and the learning environment. ADHD has been the most common disorder for many people, more so the young generation. Diagnosing ADHD can be thought and immediately diagnosed when discovered the treatment steps are crucial. The medics and scholars about medical issues have come up with a website form of making and revealing communication about the disorders. The general public has other interception about the disease and disorders like ADHD. The website description is necessary for giving quality information. It is helpful to have a reliable website for ADD/ADHD information relayed.

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Criteria Set on How the Public Accepts the Website Information On Disorders.

The general public really on information about need be credible from a website. In the content of medication and getting information sourced from the website, the general public has a compulsory scan of medical information about a disorder. With kin scrutiny of the information about ADD disorders, medication reliance needs to be from a trusted source (Levinson, 2019). The following are some of the criteria the general public depends on deciding to depend on ADD medical information, composer of the website content, support of the medics’ school, and hospitals on details of the website. The reference of information by the government and the medical institution in website relevance.

Government Directive of The Website.

Information on the website ascertain by the government and sensitizing the general public to source out the information about disorders and medical illness like ADHD (Sicherer, 2019). The directive from the government about a specific website gives the public confidence in the criteria they use in the choice of information website on a medical issue.

Reference by Medical School and Higher Education.

The reference from the medical school and the higher education on websites containing information about disorders of ADHD. The authority of reliability of the website information being trusted by medics’ expertise and composed by the higher education medical school is relevant to the public. The general public Eco’s out information website is complied with by medics’ expertise form higher education and professor of medicine.

Credible Organization Publishing Websites.

The website published and set up by organizations that have a license to do so win the trust of the public. The credibility of the information posted on a website depends on the organization's reliability. The general public trust and relies on information from relevant websites posted by well know and certified organization. The likes of the National Institute of mental health or a credible website for reliable information.

Description of Website Choice

The website I have sourced the information is [email protected] , specifically for the National Institute of mental Health (NIMH) (, 2015). It is the lead on the federal agency on the research for mental disorders and information about ADHD. The following are the website description of choice and criterial; being the recognized government research institute of the national health institute. NIHM is the largest biomedical research agency for the world medical issues (, 2015). Being part of the U.S department of health and human services show that it has to support form the government for criterial of choice requirement.

The career at NIMH is the scrutiny by the medical scientist, administrative supports, with the executive careers at NIMH, helps in making the website reliable. The NIMH strategy of the broad research roadmap and diverse institute’s research priorities over credible speculation of years. The associates of health information on the NIMH website are conceivable due to the medics associated with disorders like ADHD (, 2015). The support by the financial consideration and the higher education having a partnership with the website on the improvement of research ascertained.


The choice of the website reliability information depends on criteria scrutinized to have the credibility of the data. There are several forms of credibility criteria to help the public have relevant information on health disorders like ADHD. The government support and ascertain the website to have the public receive credible information on websites. The information is composed of higher education on the medical ground with the institutes of medical research. Organization with well know credible, relevant information are criteria the public use to have the ADHD information useful. The choice of the website [email protected] is due to the government support on the website. The consideration of a national research institute that supports the website hence making it relevant.


Levinson, H. N. (2019). Another remarkable case: Highlighting the dyslexia/ADD/ADHD/Phobia connection. Feeling Smarter and Smarter, 103-110. (2015). NIMH » mental health information. NIMH » Home.

Sicherer, M. (2019). ADHD (Attention deficit disorder/Attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder). College for Students with Learning Disabilities, 49-56.

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Paper Example. Website About ADD or ADHD. (2023, Nov 27). Retrieved from

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