Essay Sample on What Makes Workplace More Attractive

Published: 2019-08-30
Essay Sample on What Makes Workplace More Attractive
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Human resources Job
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 503 words
5 min read

What makes the workplace more attractive, has anyone ever thought about it? We all have a certain idea of how a workplace looks like, yet there are qualities that we would love our workplace to have, for example, the workplace should have coffee machine, comfortable chairs, and individual offices.

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First are coffee machines; those machines make a difference in the quality and the quantity of the work. That is due to the popularity of coffee nowadays in offices because everyone loves coffee and that made it a must in any work field. For example, coffee helps you to wake up, to concentrate in your work and also coffee makes the perfect break after doing a lot of work ("Will a Coffee Machine Make Your Employees More Efficient?", 2016). It will give you energy to continue your day; if the place doesn't have coffee machine that will affect the quality and the quantity of the work.

Second, comfortable chairs could be a great feature that might be sole reason to make you hate or like the workplace. This is because having a good relaxing chair will make a difference in your opinion about the workplace; you will be able to stay a longer time at the workplace with ease, besides you will be able to do much more work while you are comfortable ("The Twelve Attributes of a Truly Great Place to Work", 2011). In addition, it will be a reason to make you appreciate and enjoy the workplace.

Finally, and to the most important quality that will make a perfect workplace. And these are individual offices in every line of work. You won't get an individual office right after you get hired and thats because you need to deserve it first, yet it's something everyone wants. Because having an individual office means that you are doing well in your job, and one of the things that makes everyone want an individual office is that you can concentrate on your thoughts more freely un like the co-offices as there will be noise and things that will distract you, disturb you from doing your job properly, while having an individual office will give you more privacy ("How To Design A Better Office For Both Introverts And Extroverts", 2013).

To conclude, these are the qualities that I think will fit to make the best working place, because coffee machine, comfortable chairs, and individual offices are the three qualities that make a workplace more enjoyable and relaxing. Each and every one has different qualities they would like to have in their jobs, and that what makes everyone unique with their choices.


How To Design A Better Office For Both Introverts And Extroverts. (2013). Fast Company. Retrieved 15 April 2016, from

The Twelve Attributes of a Truly Great Place to Work. (2011). Harvard Business Review. Retrieved 15 April 2016, from

Will a Coffee Machine Make Your Employees More Efficient? | Market-Inspector. (2016) Retrieved 15 April 2016, from

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Essay Sample on What Makes Workplace More Attractive. (2019, Aug 30). Retrieved from

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