Paper Sample on Board Diversity Analysis in Stitch Fix Inc

Published: 2023-01-28
Paper Sample on Board Diversity Analysis in Stitch Fix Inc
Type of paper:  Research paper
Categories:  Leadership analysis Company Human resources Diversity Organizational culture
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1047 words
9 min read


Diversity inclusion is one of the important considerations in all business organizations because it creates unity and collaboration; therefore, leading to the achievement of business success. Good leadership improves the nature of workplace diversity. The headquarters of Stitch Fix Inc. is located in Montgomery, San Francisco (Airlines, 2019). The corporation is chaired by Katrina Lake and deals in personal styling services. Stitch Fix sends individually sorted clothing and related accessories in a one-time styling fee. Potential consumers are required to fill out an online-based survey according to their styling preferences. A stylist in the company normally picks five items to be sent to the clients.

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Diversity is one of the factors that have defined the nature and uniqueness of Stitch Fix in America and other parts of the world (Fan, 2018). The corporation is owned managed by a woman; therefore, necessitating for the need to analyze its diversity composition and how the business objectives and progress have been achieved through the inclusion of a diversity of employees in the organization.


The research design was based on the analysis of information provided by business articles like The Story Exchange and Make It. the articles provided insightful information on the operations of Stitch Fix Inc. and the composition of its employees especially the corporation's board of directors. Other companies were also analyzed according to their diversity inclusion and comparison was made on how business success is achieved through the balanced diversity in the workplace. Comments from customers and ex-employees were also analyzed in the research because many people had different reactions on the impacts of diversity inclusion in the corporation.

Literature Review

Diversity Composition and its Impacts on the Corporation

The diversity of the board in Stitch Fix Inc. includes people from different cultural background and gender. Stitch Fix's board also contains members of different ages. Experienced directors determine the nature of managerial services offered in the organization; therefore, ensuring quality stylists services and customer satisfaction. Stitch Fix Inc. is one of the 20 companies in the world that contains qualified skilled women on their boards (Airlines, 2019). Research studies have shown that a company should have one woman, one independent director, and at least one board member of a different color.

Stitch is considered to have included the diversity in its operations because of the ability to meet the minimum requirements in terms of board composition. Current research has shown that Stitch Fix Inc. is leading in its ability to include people from a different cultural background in its board. A critical analysis of Stitch Fix Inc. has shown that 60% of the board members are women (Fan, 2018). Independent directors contribute to 40% of the board members while people from other races contribute to 20% of total directors. There are 7 directors in Stitch Fix Inc. whose roles vary depending on their experiences. The assignment of responsibilities depends on the experiences of the board members but not their different cultural backgrounds.

The diverse composition of Stitch Fix Inc. Company has enabled the company to achieve its business objective by providing quality stylists services to its clients (Portmann, Tabacchi, Seising & Habenstein, 2019). Katrina Lake is a passionate and hardworking woman who has motivated other women in the organization; therefore, creating equality. As a Chief Executive Officers (CEO), Lake has brought a lot of changes Stitch Fix Inc. because of her quality leadership skills and working experiences. Katrina Lake has 17 relationships; therefore, ensuring effective collaboration between the Inc. and other private and public companies both nationally and globally. Being the CEO and one of the directors in Inc. Lake has improved her experiences; therefore, providing quality, leadership skills that directly relate to business success in the company.

Marka Hansen is the second director of the company. Hansen is aged 66 years with 25 relationships and a lot of working experiences in the corporation. John Gurley has 55 relationships and is aged 52 years (Portmann et al., 2019). Sharon McCollam also possesses 55 relationships in the corporation and is aged 56 years. Steven Anderson is aged 51 and has 25 relationships because the primary company was Sendachi Us, Inc. Mikkel Svane possesses 14 relationships in the company. Svane is the only African American director in Stitch Fix. Elizabeth Williams is aged 42 years with 7 relationships and her primary company is Taco Bell Corporation. Kirsten Lynch is another director who has contributed a lot towards the realization of business success in Stitch Fix Inc.


The diversity of the board and other employees in Stitch Fix Corporation is important because it has resulted in productivity due to teamwork and collaboration in the organization due to the diversification of ideas and other significant areas. Katrina Lake made a productive decision by increasing the number of women in the board of directors because Stitch Fix Inc. deals with stylists' services. Inclusion of diversity improves the quality of services delivered in the corporation because women are experienced in fashion and design as compared to their male counterparts. Directors from different cultural backgrounds come with quality and unique skills; therefore, improving profitability and reliability of the businesses undertaken in Stitch Fix Inc. Inclusion and recognition of the diversity in an organization contribute to the effective strategic approaches used in attracting many customers and improving performances of an organization in foreign markets.


Airlines, A. (2019). 2019 San Francisco LGBT Pride Parade Lineup, Alphabetical Order AcroSports Afterpay AIDS/LifeCycle AirBNB (Doctoral dissertation, American Red Cross). Retrieved from:

Fan, J. S. (2018). Innovating Inclusion: The Impact of Women in Private Company Boards. Fla. St. UL Rev., 46, 345. Retrieved from:

Portmann, E., Tabacchi, M. E., Seising, R., & Habenstein, A. (2019). Designing Cognitive Cities. Springer. Retrieved from:

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