Impact on Government, Law School Essay Example

Published: 2018-07-17
Impact on Government, Law School Essay Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Law Government
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 370 words
4 min read

John Rawls' Theory of Justice


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According to John Rawls, liberty and equity are some of the components of justice and fairness that each modern government should incorporate into their systems. When it comes to equality, the philosopher divides them into “difference principle and fair equality” (Arellano-Gault, 2010). The difference principle is one that helps in finding out when priorities are conflicting in a practical real life situation. However, the principles that are given weight by this particular direction of thinking are: a single and a comprehensive conception of justice. It is applicable for political endeavors and governments that represent the majority. It is clear that several democratic governments have policies and objectives that obligate them to fight for the welfare of citizens (Kumar & Verma, 2016).

The principles of Rawls affect several modern governments. The two of them are applied in everyday lives. These governments have continued to promote these particular basic liberties. Since they are representative citizens, they have to give fair conditions that will promote justice and peace. When the two are promoted, development would follow. The first principle of John Rawls, the liberty principle; gives everyone equal opportunities and liberty. Furthermore, this principle concentrates on personal belongings as one of the basic liberties claimed by citizens. For this reason, no individual or government has the power to take away these basic liberties from individuals. Therefore, they cannot amend any laws that will work against this particular issue (Skillington, 2017).

In my opinion, the idea of Rawls, overlapping consensus has not been applied by several modern governments. We find that some governments do not regard suggestions from the less fortunate or rather from all sides. When this idea is incorporated, several benefits are likely to result.


In conclusion, John Rawls has great ideas that can positively impact today’s governments. Idea of liberty and equity ensures that everyone benefits from the state.


Arellano-Gault, D. (2010). Economic-NPM and the need to bring justice and equity back to the debate on public organizations. Administration & Society, 42(5), 591-612.

Kumar, P., & Verma, S. (2016). Good Governance: an Appraisal. Global Journal For Research Analysis, 4(7).

Skillington, T. (2017). The Idea of Climate Justice. In Climate Justice and Human Rights (pp. 41-89). Palgrave Macmillan US.

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