Free Essay on Literature Review Strategies

Published: 2018-03-17
Free Essay on Literature Review Strategies
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Research Medicine Literature review
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 424 words
4 min read

Literature review research

The strategy or criteria for the participant literature inclusion was to pick on patients with type- 2 diabetes (HbA 1c) 6.4 – 12.5%, at the age range of 20 to 65, and not heavier than 140 kilograms. They had to be without any clinical significant abnormality on their medical history. In the case of female participants, they had to be neither pregnant nor in the lactation period (Bero et al., 2008). The exclusion strategy was to eliminate those with type- 1 diabetes, history of alcoholism, and those who are unable to cease alcoholism.

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Barriers to research

One of the barriers to the literature review was the limited information on the topic of weight-loss based diet on HbA1c among patients with type- 2 diabetes. The information on this topic was quite insufficient hence a barrier to the literature review. Another barrier or limitation was because the research timeline was too short and no more search could be performed within this literature.

Research outcome

The review of the available literature and the analysis of research data on dietary meal strategies and the episodes of the type-2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease yielded a concrete information on the topic of study. The study outcome revealed that the type 2 disease and cardiovascular disease are strongly linked with obesity since there was a clear evidence that weight-loss may lower blood pressure, glucose level, triglyceride, and cholesterol.

The screening of the HbA 1c within six months and track of weight change revealed a 21% change in the HbA 1c, while the changes at 3 months following the changes in treatment and medication accounted for approximately 25% (with a variance of 0.001 for both of the periods). Result analysis further revealed that the consumption of two meals replacements for three months and further one meal for another three months resulted to a great loss of weight (approximately 2 kilograms, which is about 5%); leading to approximately 0.12% decrease in HbA 1c. Any person diagnosed with diabetes either lacks insulin their system, or have very little amount of insulin to sustain their body functionality. These two conditions are known as diabetes type 1 and type 2 respectively (Bero et al., 2008). As such, a good number of people diagnosed by diabetes are known to experience weight increase; hence the literature dwelt on the diet-based weight loss strategies.


Bero, L. A., Grilli, R., Grimshaw, J. M., Harvey, E., Oxman, A. D., & Thomson, M. A. (2008). Closing the gap between research and practice: an overview of systematic reviews of interventions to promote the implementation of research findings. BMJ: British Medical Journal, 317(7156), 465.

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