Public Health Essay Example

Published: 2018-06-06
Public Health Essay Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Diabetes Diet Public health
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 320 words
3 min read

Diabetes Lifestyle

The community I serve has numerous cases of diabetes. The section of the population mostly affected by this disease are the children who have been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes which is genetic in nature (Shaw, Sicree, & Zimmet, 2010). Therefore, the community can put in some resources to aid in reducing the prevalence of diabetes in children. One of the community resources that can be used is the schools. Schools can be urged to educate children on lifestyle choices that cause diabetes. They can do this by conveying essential information such as the etiology, risk factors as well as treatment options for diabetes. The education will help considerably in preventing more cases of children affected by diabetes. Furthermore, children may know how to lead a healthy lifestyle and disseminate the information to their guardians and friends which would help significantly in decreasing cases of individuals being diagnosed as diabetic.

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The city of Carson is one of the cities where the community lives and observe modern-day lifestyles. The modern culture of the community involves the consumption of junk food on a regular basis. This cultural consideration of unhealthy eating habits is one of the factors that interferes with achievement of desirable patient outcomes once one has been diagnosed with diabetes and is under medication.

To successfully care for this community, one would first have to address the issue of unhealthy eating habits. To address this issue, people should be educated about the significance of observing a balanced diet, regular intake of water, and engaging in constant physical exercises (American Diabetes Association, 2014). By showing the community the benefits of living a healthy lifestyle, one would have done most of the work aimed towards caring for the prevalent diabetic community.


American Diabetes Association. (2014). Standards of medical care in diabetes—2014. Diabetes care, 37(Supplement 1), S14-S80.

Atkinson, M. A., Eisenbarth, G. S., & Michels, A. W. (2014). Type 1 diabetes. The Lancet, 383(9911), 69-82.

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