Essay Sample on a Generalized Attitude to Healthcare

Published: 2023-02-07
Essay Sample on a Generalized Attitude to Healthcare
Type of paper:  Course work
Categories:  Medicine Healthcare Healthcare policy Public health
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1165 words
10 min read

1.Frank, Richard G., Glied, Sherry A. Better But Not Well: Mental Health Policy in the United States since 1950. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press; 2006. [

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The authors of the article focus on controversies surrounding the healthcare sector in the united states of America while inferring a more profound interest in mental health issues. The authors also try to incorporate several topics from the social industry Including different health conditions that signify critical mental conditions. The writer's content shifts from one concept of sociology to the other while relating fundamental aspects of humanity to help develop various arguments.

2. Barr, N. "Long-Term Care: A Suitable Case for Social Insurance," Social Policy & Administration, 44(4): 359-374 (Aug 2010).

This article focuses on compensation costs as well as strategies incurred in the healthcare business. The author was able to identify various approaches through which health insurance can be administered. During the attempt, multiple issues were raised to establish a better understanding of healthcare administration. The writer also identifies various insurance strategies while making critical evaluations on each plan in regards to functionality. In other words, the author identifies the faults and strengths of different insurance strategies.

Joseph P. Newhouse. Pricing the Priceless: A Health Care Conundrum. MIT Press, 2002. [Library] o Introduction o Chapter 1: Fee-for-Service Medicine and Its Discontents.

Healthcare pricing has been discussed over a significant period over the years. The author initiates a deeper understanding of healthcare economics through which he identifies issues relating to various aspects of the healthcare puzzle. The author develops different theories through which he tries to point out some unethical practices in the healthcare world. One of the most exciting methods were applied to imply that healthcare providers respond to supply prices. In other words, different forms of incentives influence the quality of services that doctors offer. The author uses carefully crafted language that would guide any reader through the main points.

Thomas McGuire, 2011, "Physician Agency and Payment for Primary Medical Care." The Oxford Handbook of Health Economics, Glied S and Smith P, eds. pp 602-23

It appears that the author of this article had primarily gathered interest in primary care physicians and how different modes of payment could be utilized to improve the overall financial management of a given healthcare institution. An enrollment-based prospective payment, strategy is also suggested by the article as an effective strategy through which physicians' behavior can be positively influenced. Appropriate incentives are also identified as parts of the strategies through which physician behavior can be influenced.

Clemens, Jeffrey, and Joshua D. Gottlieb. "Do Physicians' Financial Incentives Affect Medical Treatment and Patient Health?" American Economic Review 104, no. 4 (2014): 1320-349. [] Optional Readings

This article identifies incentives as part of the primary variables surrounding healthcare incentives primarily impacting physicians. The material seems to suggest that caregivers respond differently in regards to payment rates involved. The author also considers payment policies as some of the most critical aspects of quality of care within incentive-oriented paradigms. The issues discussed in this article represent the lowest aspects of healthcare through which significant changes or faults can be identified. Such elements also involve the physicians'' respond to compensation alterations.

Garthwaite, Craig L. "The Doctor Might See You Now: The Supply Side Effects of Public Health Insurance Expectations. National Bureau of Economic Research, NBER Working Paper 17070

Physician behavior is most likely to be impacted by several issues within the healthcare sector. However, this article focuses on public health insurance programs as critical contributors towards change in physician's behavior in regards to the quality of services they offer. Action in this case is primarily indicated by the alterations of time durations within which doctors interfere with their patients. Various facts and other forms of information contained in this article are supported by statistical data and literature review.

Iglehart, J. K., & Sommers, B. D. (2015). Medicaid at 50--from welfare program to nation's largest health insurer. N Engl J Med, 372(22), 2152-2159. []

This article focuses on the evolution of Medicaid since its establishment in 1965 up to today as it transformed into the countries most recognized healthcare program. The authors manage to acknowledge the fact that the program was started as a political program that was only meant to serve a specific population of individuals. The article further presents a detailed elaboration of the benefits and effectiveness of the program. Focusing on the growth and step by step strengthening of the program, the authors can touch on different aspects of healthcare.

Cornachione E, Rudowitz R, Artiga S. "Children's Health Coverage: The Role of Medicaid and CHIP and Issues for the Future." Kaiser Family Foundation, 2016. " 2"

This article provides an overview of the children's health insurance, its evolution, and the different strategies that can be established in different states. It assists in its implementation. Various issues have been identified in regards to the application of the framework and its relationship with other healthcare procedures especially those that relate to equality. However, the authors have shown their interest in child health, resiliency as well as development.

Sommers BD, Baicker K, Epstein AM. (2012) Mortality and Access to Care Among Adults After State Medicaid Expansions. N Engl J Med 2012; 367:1025-1034. []

The authors of this article were profoundly interested in establishing an understanding of the impacts of the Medicaid programs and the expansion of the services across different states. Its eligibility for adults has been used as the measurement tool through which different nations are examined in regards to Medicaid functionality. Various findings were identified regarding the factors that would contribute state Medicaid expansion. They included reduced mortality, access to care, as well as self-reported health.

Sommers, BD, & Oellerich, D. (2013). The poverty-reducing effect of Medicaid. Journal of health economics, 32(5), 816-832. [

The significance of Medicaid as one of the most significant healthcare systems has been identified across a considerable number of theories. However, this article focuses on the poverty-reducing effect of Medicaid. The authors initiate a statistical approach through which they first examine the possible outcomes that could be associated with the dismantling of the entire program. Statistical data is used to elaborate further on the impacts that the whole program has on poverty reduction.

A Better Way: Health Care." House G.O.P. Speaker's Office -Health Care Policy Statement, 2016. Pages 23-28. 4) Background Reading from Prior S

This article assumes a profound political approach to examining the current healthcare system in the united states of America. Different views from different political leaders are considered as a way of establishing a generalized attitude towards the entire healthcare conundrum. Nevertheless, the authors seem to present most of their ideas from first-person perspectives which could lead to identifiable fallacies within their arguments.

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Essay Sample on a Generalized Attitude to Healthcare. (2023, Feb 07). Retrieved from

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