Free Essay: Causes of Disparities Related to Diabetes Healthy People 2020

Published: 2023-11-03
Free Essay: Causes of Disparities Related to Diabetes Healthy People 2020
Essay type:  Compare and contrast
Categories:  Communication Diabetes Community health
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 915 words
8 min read

The causes of health disparity among patients living with diabetes include a lack of healthcare interventions by the state that are supposed to help the marginalized and the people in the community who cannot afford to access medical care. Diabetes has a higher prevalence rate among minorities who cannot afford even basic care, other medical conditions such as uncontrolled glucose levels escalate and cause diabetes (, 2020). The failure of the government to intervene and ensure marginalized people access healthcare within populations continues to be a challenge. Social classes have been formed where poor people live in neighborhoods without healthcare facilities as opposed to neighborhoods where rich people live that have healthcare facilities for easy access.

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Another cause of diabetes health disparity among people includes socioeconomic status, where people place more concerns on socioeconomic status and little emphasis on health status. People are forced to choose either to concentrate on working hard to earn more money or spend their free time on health concerns (, 2020). People are spending their free time to earn extra income, leaving no time for themselves to exercise and address their health concerns. The lifestyle of the people determines their chances of getting diabetes. The time people are supposed to exercise and get medications is spent working, increasing their chances of getting diabetes. Lack of exercise and other measures to improve health are causing diabetes among people.

Public Health Communication Strategy

The best communication strategy to help the poor and marginalized people in society includes patient written communication strategy in the form of policies that address the challenges affecting poor people, denying them the chance to access medical care (Shannon et al., 2018). The policies will help in funding projects that put up health facilities in poor neighborhoods that lack hospitals and other healthcare facilities to provide healthcare services. The written strategy will be addressed to both the government and the people. The government will get informed on the challenges affecting the people, while the affected people will be encouraged to seek medical services.

The communication strategy will also help in educating the people on the importance of exercise and other healthy lifestyles that reduce the chances of one getting diabetes. People are concentrating more on working to earn income at the expense of their health (Shannon et al., 2018). The communication strategy will offer solutions on measures that people can take to reduce the chances of getting diabetes. The strategy will promote things that make people embrace healthy lifestyles.

Communication Plan

Planning for communication helps organize actions that lead to the fulfillment of the goal (Fawcett, 2019). The first step of the plan is to identify the purpose of the communication. The purpose of this communication is to reduce or eliminate disparities related to diabetes. Public education will help community members understand what diabetes is and their role in addressing the issue. The other purpose of the communication will be to rally support for the public and recruit volunteers. The volunteers will help in sensitizing the community members about diabetes.

The second step of the communication action plan will be to identify the audience. Identifying the audience is important as it helps in planning the communication logically (Fawcett, 2019). For each of the groups, there will be a communication strategy that better appeals to them. The content of the communication will be exclusively on diabetes and how to address the causes of the disparities

Evaluation Plan for the Communication

The evaluation plan for the communication strategy will be evaluated based on the response of the key stakeholders who including the government which is supposed to provide support in the form of health facilities to the people and the action the people take to reduce diabetes health disparity (Shannon et al., 2018). The effectiveness of the communication strategy should make the government take the necessary measures to provide healthcare services. The evaluation plan will also be based on the number of patients who are diagnosed with diabetes after communication. The number of patients is supposed to reduce after communication based on measures taken by the key stakeholders.

Targeted Communication

There will be a targeted communication that will help reach each population. The purpose of considering the right channels of communication is to ensure that the message reaches the audience (Fawcett, 2019). Therefore, it is important to access what the audience watch, listen, read, or engage in. Fliers will be placed in public spaces, workplaces, supermarkets, and health centers. Promotional materials such as t-shirts will be used to create awareness about diabetes.

Internet sites are a reliable channel of communication in this era where a significant number of people have access to a smartphone, a computer, and the internet (Fawcett, 2019). Platforms such as Facebook and Twitter will be used to sensitize people about diabetes and their approaches to reduce the risks of becoming diabetic. For the population living in poor neighborhoods, community outreach will be highly adopted. Presentations on local events and national conferences will be adopted to create awareness on diabetes.


Fawcett, S. (2019). Chapter 6. Communications to Promote Interest | Section 1. Developing a Plan for Communication | Main Section | Community Tool Box. (2020). Diabetes | Healthy People 2020.

Shannon, A., Boyer, S., & Davis-Street, J. (2018, April). Health Risk Communication-Using Data to Inform a Preventive Health Communication Strategy. In SPE International Conference and Exhibition on Health, Safety, Security, Environment, and Social Responsibility. Society of Petroleum Engineers.

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