Paper Example on Chronically Mentally Ill

Published: 2023-12-16
Paper Example on Chronically Mentally Ill
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Healthcare Mental health
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 433 words
4 min read

Chronically mentally ill patients require maximum attention and help accomplish at most two actions about their day-to-day life. Chronic illness impairs someone until they become disabled because the sickness prevents them from performing routine chores (Hall et al., 2019). People with chronic disease live with signs and the illness for the whole of their lives because the disease cannot be treated; however, treatment and lifestyle changes help improve their conditions.

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Several factors make the population vulnerable. Firstly, the individuals are dependent on others, and they need consistent assistance and care from the family members to live a quality life (Hall et al., 2019). However, they may lack adequate support from the family due to negligence. The community depicts a high level of discrimination against this population that demotivates them. The population cannot participate in democratic rights such as voting or vying for a political seat. Due to their state, they can not engage effectively in economic and religious practices.

Chronically mental illness is exposed to extensive health problems that lower life expectancy by ten years. Cancer is the first health problem among 40 % of individuals, while the mortality rate is 30 % more in psychiatric patients (Kisely, Crowe & Lawrence, 2013). Mental healthcare, such as bipolar disorders, refers to comorbidity for cancer health problems affecting 5.5 % of the population. Diabetes is the second health population, where 27% of the total population experiences it where youths are the majority. A depressive disorder is the common comorbidities related to diabetes affecting 6.7 % adults (Ducat et al.2014). The mortality rate associated with diabetes is directly proportional to age. For instance, the mortality rate is 1in 200,000 among the 20-year-old.

Healthy People 2020 established goals that are relevant to the chronically mentally ill population. The body envisions having a society where people live to meet the life expectancy. This implies that society should attain a high-quality life free from injuries, disability, and free from preventable diseases, which is relevant to this population; their life expectancy has been reduced by ten years! Thus, the achievement of the goals for Healthy People 2020 implies that life expectancy will be increased.


Ducat, L., Philipson, L. H., & Anderson, B. J. (2014). The mental health comorbidities of diabetes. Jama, 312(7),691-692.

Hall, G., Singh, T., & woo Lim, S. (2019). Supportive housing promotes AIDS-free survival for chronically homeless HIV positive persons with behavioral health conditions. AIDS and Behavior, 23(3), 776-783.

Kisely, S., Crowe, E., & Lawrence, D. (2013). Cancer-related mortality in people with mental illness. JAMApsychiatry, 70(2),209-217.

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