Essay Sample on Clinical Information System

Published: 2019-11-18
Essay Sample on Clinical Information System
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Health and Social Care Nursing Information systems
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 956 words
8 min read

The general impact of clinical information system has echoed all over the nursing practice. The need for technology improvement in clinical care transformation agenda, underscores the dire need to bring forth clinical systems that are safe, efficient and effective. Together with different recommendations from experts in this field, the dream of having improved services in health care turned into reality.

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Contemporary research indicates that the journey to implement Clinical Information System may come along with many challenges, but ultimately the system is of great importance. Nurses are appreciative of the effectiveness of better information in fostering measurable developments in all angles from ulcer to pneumonia prevention (National Institute of Health, 2016). The crown jewel is the improved outcome with chronic conditions. A study carried out by the University of Pennsylvania indicated that, hospitals that adopt clinical information records an improvement in clinical services to patients compared to hospitals that did not have Information System (Schwartz, 2012).

Clinical Information System is integral in the health sector. It helps to improve the quality of concern given to patients and lowers the possibilities of mistakes. It enables nurses to understand relevant data concerning ones condition with no waste of time. It also helps to come up with decisions based on efficiency, accuracy, and updated information. The system stores medical information, health history, doctors notes and doctors prescriptions for patients (Wolf, Harvell, & Jha, 2012). All the above information is preserved together electronically, hence replacing paperwork. This system helps to improve health care in the ways described further. Firstly, in the case of an emergency, the doctor can immediately access one's complete treatment history. Secondly, doctors can see test results quickly. Thirdly, doctors can send ones prescription directly to the pharmacy. Lastly, doctors can order tests one needs using the system (Billings Clinic, 2016).

Different scholars have carried out several studies in the clinical field and deduced numerou theories. According to Sezgin and Ozkan (2014), the research of a clinical information system, together with extended models, clearly showed that the objective to explain to health professionals how to use clinical technology was attained The researchers observed that the tendency in behavioral theories in examining user acceptance of clinical information system changes according to the users environment (Elsevier, 2016; Garg et al., 2015).

Nursing practitioners, for example, Logon and Kenig gave an illustrations of comparing their patients progress with the ones in other hospitals that did not use information system, and they noted the difference. Their patients outcome was positive compared to patients in other hospitals. (Schwartz, 2012).

Clinical Information Systems, supports exact clarification of test results. The study by a nursing practitioner Garibaldi et al.,2015 gives report on Clinical Information Systems for combining results from signal analysis equipment or clinical tests with knowledge of physicians Garibaldi et al., 2015.

According to Panzarasa et al., 2013, a professor of nursing, Clinical Information System helps to speed the entire process of treatment, diagnosis and monitoring of the patients. It is in order to give a joined system for overseeing several clinical activities. If the systems are implemented, then there will be good management taking place in flow of clinical activities.

The theory of reasoned action predicts and expounds the reasons why doctors and nurses may reject or accept an Information System. Scholars like Ajzen and Fishbein advocates the model of reasoned action. The intention is found by gauging two variables: the Clinical Information Systems importance and simplicity to use. The design is intended for explicative and prediction purposes (Henning & Mueller, 2015).

According to another scholar of nursing, Gardes. S, et al (2014) Information Systems is much keen on improving nursing application by improving on the current knowledge. To acquire knowledge regarding Information Systems requires less efforts because of the already concept. According to Gardes, the current knowledge can be joined into Information System by implementing the mechanics of routine and direction. The scholar adds, Clinical Information Systems are more effective.

Dubai implemented a system that helps their nurses in service delivery. The system is Dental 4 Windows. It allows patients in Dubai to be in control of their appointment book, it records all patients confidential information. Also, it serves as a treatment file in hospitals (Centaur, 2014; Collen, 2015).

In conclusion, the implementation of a clinical information system in nursing sector improves health care services, hence producing positive results in patients by improving their health. This industry should ensure maximum utilization of technology in all health organizations to enhance efficiency, quality, and effectiveness.


Billings Clinic. (2016). Clinical Information System - CIS. Retrieved from Billings Clinic:

Centaur. (2014). Retrieved from Dental 4 Windows:

Elsevier B.V. (2016). A Literature Review on Attitudes of Health Professionals towards Health Information Systems: From e-Health to m-Health.Retrieved from Science Direct:

Garde, S., et al. (2014) "A Meta-model of Chemotherapy Planning in the Multi-hospital/Multi-trial-center-environment of Oediatric oncology, Methods of Information in Medicine (43)2, pp. 171183.

Garibaldi, J.M., (2015) "The Evaluation of an Information System for the Analysis of Umbilical Cord Blood, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (17)2, pp. 109130.

Henning Mueller, C. L. (2015). Evaluating user interactions with clinical information systems: A model based on humancomputer interaction models. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 244-255. Retrieved from

National Institute of Health. (2016). Clinical Research Information System. Retrieved from National Institute of Health:

Panzarasa, S., et al. (2013) "Evidence-based Clinical Information Systems: The Case of Post-stroke Rehabilitatio, Journal of Biomedical Informatics (35)2, pp. 123139

Schwartz, A. (2012, May). Nurses Adopt Electronic Health Records. Retrieved from Science of Caring:

Wolf, Harvell, & Jha, 2012 "The Impact of Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing and the Next Big Ideas" OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing Vol. 18, No. 2, Manuscript

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