Contrasting Conventional & Alternative Medicine: Theories & Beliefs - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-11-30
Contrasting Conventional & Alternative Medicine: Theories & Beliefs - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Medicine Healthcare
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 999 words
9 min read


Conventional medicine and alternative medicine remain to be contradictory medical options for the population seeking to eradicate infections. While most individuals seek conventional medicine, alternative medicine has also gained popularity in contemporary society. Therefore, an analysis of the theoretical beliefs of conventional and alternative medicine regarding the origin of disease, the meaning of heath, and the healing process helps understand the differences and similarities between the two medical systems.

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Question a

Conventional medicine and alternative medicine have very conflicting views and beliefs about the cause of disease. Conventional medicine bases its assumptions on the belief that disease originated from bacteria, which produces the infection and the relative damage to the human body (Fontaine and Kaszubski 10). According to biomedicine, the administration of vaccines and antibodies could help boost the ability of human beings to overcome the detrimental effects of bacterial infection. After a series of studies and experimentations, physicians came to the assumption that germs and genes caused disease; hence the identification of the offending pathogen, chemical imbalance, or metabolic error would assist in the administration of the suitable vaccine, chemical compound, or antibiotic that the disease would relent to (Fontaine and Kaszubski 10). Conventional medicine is also based on the belief that disease originates from the constant attacks by countless microorganisms on the human body (Fontaine and Kaszubski 10). Therefore, to counterattack and defend themselves, people have to seek suitable treatments that would kill the microorganisms. According to conventional medicine, symptoms such as headache and fever are harmful manifestations that should be suppressed or countered (Fontaine and Kaszubski 10).

Alternative medicine, on the other hand, is based on the belief that disease arises when the life force of the body is disrupted, which sends symptoms to signal an individual that the immune system has been compromised, hence needs realignment (Fontaine and Kaszubski 10). According to alternative medicine, human beings have life energy or force that flows through and sustains their bodies. For good health, a balance and harmony have to be enhanced among the body organs, the body systems, the environment, the society, and with other people. When the balance is attained, the body develops its natural defense against viruses, trauma, and bacteria (Fontaine and Kaszubski 10). With a blocked or weakened life force, the oxygen level in the body diminishes, tissues and organs degenerate, toxins accumulate and the functioning of tissues and organs is reduced, generating symptoms of a disease. While conventional medicine is based on the belief that disease is caused by a surprise attack or encounter by bacteria or virus, in alternative medicine, the bacteria and virus surround people all the time but disease only arises as a result of a series of events that occur when the life force is disrupted (Fontaine and Kaszubski 10). Additionally, while conventional practitioners counter all symptoms as they appear, in alternative medicine, not all symptoms are a manifestation of disease and alternative practitioners only suppress symptoms when they endanger human life. In alternative medicine, a headache signals that the entire system needs to be realigned while fever may occur due to the breakdown of toxins or bacterial proteins. Although conventional medicine and alternative medicine have opposing views regarding the origin of disease, both medical systems are based on the belief that disease originates from a disruption of the normal functioning of the body organs by bacteria or viruses.

Question b.

Conventional and alternative also have different theoretical beliefs regarding the meaning of health. In the Western or conventional view, health is the absence of abnormal conditions, including diseases (Fontaine and Kaszubski 11). Most conventional physicians believe that the human body is in constant change and it tends to adapt to both the internal and external factors affecting the body. While the body may experience various challenges, health, according to conventional medicine, is a state of well-being (Fontaine and Kaszubski 11). Alternative medicine, however, defines health as a state of balance, wholeness, and harmony of the body organs, emotions, mind, and spirit. Alternative medicine practitioners believe that health is not a goal to be achieved as perceived in conventional medicine, but it is a lifetime process that represents the inner aliveness and growth of the human body (Fontaine and Kaszubski 11). While conventional medicine focuses on the human body when defining health, alternative medicine incorporates all aspects, including the body, emotional, mental, and spiritual factors in its description of health (Fontaine and Kaszubski 11). Despite the different theoretical views held by the two medications, both conventional and alternative medicine practitioners believe that health is the state of normality and wellness of the body.

Additionally, two medicine systems have different viewpoints on the healing process itself. In conventional medicine, the healing process focuses on abnormal conditions and disease problems in the body. Conventional medical practitioners undergo training to fix and repair broken parts of the body and the medication administered such as surgery, drugs, radiation are meant to treat and cure patients of the diseases (Fontaine and Kaszubski 11). Alternative medicine, however, focuses on restoring the ability of the person to fight the disease, instead of combating the disease itself during the healing process. Unlike in conventional medicine where external treatment such as surgery, therapy, and drugs are recommended, alternative practitioners administer interventions such as diet, social support, stress management, and herbs to support a self-healing process (Fontaine and Kaszubski 11). Alternative medicine practitioners look for the conditions that interfere and weaken the life force and administer treatment to impede their flow in the body. Therefore, while conventional medicine focuses on fixing the specific broken parts in the body, the healing process in alternative medicine aims at restoring the balance and harmony of the whole body. Regardless of the different theoretical perspectives, the healing process in both conventional and alternative medicine seeks to restore the perceived wellness and normality of the body. Although the interventions applied during the healing process are divergent, they all aim at reinstating the human body to its normal functioning.

Work Cited

Fontaine, L. Karen, and Kaszubski William. Absolute beginner’s guide to alternative medicine. Sams Publishing, 2004.

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