Essay Sample: Correctional Personnel and the Public Image of Corrections

Published: 2022-12-23
Essay Sample: Correctional Personnel and the Public Image of Corrections
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Criminal law Penal system Criminal justice Human rights Social issue
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 594 words
5 min read

The article, "The Public Image of Corrections" by Sgt. Chris Pearson discusses the public opinion of the correctional officers. Pearson explains that there has been a misguided opinion that correctional officers are brutal, ignorant, corrupt bullies who take advantage of unlucky inmates with no civil rights. The author notes that a correctional officer's job is a difficult job that not every person can cope with. Person opines that the current image of the correctional facilities has been depicted by films. The article illustrates that the negative portrayal of correctional facilities evokes sympathy from the audience about the handling of the inmates. What people fail to understand is the overcrowding, understaffing and overworking of the correctional facilities (Pearson, 2010). However, the article explains that these aspects are not covered by Hollywood films. The paper critically analyzes the criminology concept in the 'real' world.

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The public depends on the media for most of its information concerning the criminal justice system. Unluckily, media portrayals of justice stakeholders are not often precise, which, in turn, can result in distorted images about the system and its operations. One of the most interesting parts is applying criminology concept into the real world. Pearson's article can be related to the theory learned in the class. Pearson explains that the misguided opinion of the public is highly castigated by the media. The criminology concept explained that correctional officers are highly depicted negatively. The media is also responsible for correctional officer's burnout, job stress, and dissatisfaction.

The criminology concept highlights that it is important to represent the side of the economically and socially marginalized. The criminology concept seeks to enhance social inclusion, human rights, and equality. In the correctional facilities, Pearson has clearly explained that there is a tendency of continuing with injustices even when they are highlighted by the media. However, the criminology concept states that it is crucial to question the processes and practices upon which laws are constructed, imposed and executed. However, public opinion fails to understand the existing system of justice. The ingrained notion in the public is that inmates' rights are disrespected (Vickovic, Griffin, & Fradella, 2013).

Criminology concept examines scopes in regards to correctional facilities, neighborhood riddled with violence, drugs, and abuse. It is quite a wide field. It is therefore essential for the criminology concept to blend with the real-world experiences that discuss and implement concept covered in class. The criminology concept does not entirely focus on enforcing the law but also helping individuals. The concept of applying criminology concept in the real world is very crucial (Pearson, 2010). Placing criminals in the correctional facilities is crucial in deterring crimes. Crime control measures reduce crime through incapacitation and prevention.

Conclusively, there exists a negative public opinion of the jails and treatment of the inmates. The media especially films highlights prisons as inhabitable places when no human life should be placed there. They seek to evoke sympathy from the public. However, the same concept is applicable in other scopes of criminology. In low-income neighborhoods, there are numerous cases of drug abuse and violence. Although there are low-income neighborhoods with fewer crimes, the films have portrayed those areas as inhabitable. Criminology concept seeks to educate the public and media on the criminal justice system. However, many people have been adamant to understand the tribulations of correctional officers.


Pearson, C. (2010). The Public Image of Corrections. Retrieved from: on date 10/4/2019

Vickovic, S. G., Griffin, M. L., & Fradella, H. F. (2013). Depictions of correctional officers in newspaper media: an ethnographic content analysis. Criminal Justice Studies, 26(4), 455-477.

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Essay Sample: Correctional Personnel and the Public Image of Corrections. (2022, Dec 23). Retrieved from

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