Article Review Essay Sample: The Importance of Physical Security in the Workplace

Published: 2022-09-16
Article Review Essay Sample: The Importance of Physical Security in the Workplace
Type of paper:  Course work
Categories:  Security Cyber security
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 659 words
6 min read

Criteria Article Title or Website URL: The Importance of Physical Security in the Workplace

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Timeliness Meets Criteria? Provide explanation below

Date of publication The article was posted on May 9, 2018. The article is up-to-date and discussing a recent concern in the computer safety and security. The article was published on October 11, 2016. Although the article is two years old, it still meets the criteria of timeliness since the information provided is not outdated.

Relevance Meets Criteria? Provide explanation below

The importance of the information to physical security. The article is conclusive covering the topic of physical security broadly while focusing on the details that are relevant to my research. The author is thorough in his discussion and provides all the important information. Analysis of the article minimizes the need to view other articles on the same topic. The article covers a lot of information on Physical security. However, some of the information is not detailed prompting the reader to look for additional information from other sources. Despite the lack of thorough research the article still has information that would be important.

Authority Meets Criteria? Provide explanation below

The source of the information The author is Hashim Shaikh. He has vast knowledge in cyber security. Shaikh is an Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP) and a Certified ethical hacker (CEH). He has interest in offensive security, exploitation and privilege escalation.

The author of the website is InfoSec Institute a renowned company that offers training for IT security professionals. Phil Goldstein is the author of the article. He is the web editor for FedTech and BizTech. He doesn't have in-depth knowledge of physical security, and the article does not have many credible references.

BizTech is the author of the website. It's published by CDW Corporation, a leading provider of technology products and services for businesses.

Accuracy Meets Criteria? Provide explanation below

Reliability and correctness of the information The article is accurate and a true representation of the facts surrounding physical security. The author utilizes his extensive knowledge of the topic and explores the importance of physical security. The author addresses objective information and only gives his opinion in the end. Most articles on the topic corroborate with the information provided in the article. The article features reliable primary sources provided as direct speeches from leading figures in the IT world. Every piece of information is backed with a supporting statement form an IT expert. Moreover, the sources are renowned individuals and companies who would pass as reliable experts in the field.

Purpose Meets Criteria? Provide explanation below

Reason for publishing the article The article fulfills its purpose. It meets its objective of addressing the importance of physical security. The article is informative and persuasive in convincing the reader of the importance of physical security when it comes to computer safety and security. The information provided is not biased. The author takes a neutral ground on the subject and only looks at it from an objective point of view. He highlights both the advantages and disadvantages of physical security The objective of the article is to inform and persuade the reader to see the importance of physical security. The author is biased in his approach since he doesn't consider the importance of cybersecurity in his article. Nonetheless, the approach is persuasive and informative.

Overall Evaluation

I think the article is a reliable source of information for college-level research. The topic is extensively explored, and factual information is provided. The article is recent and it's written by a credible author who has vast knowledge in the subject. Although the author of the article is not an authority in IT, I think the article is a reliable source of information for college-level research. The author has made up for his shortcoming by highlighting thoughts and information from leading experts in IT security.

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Article Review Essay Sample: The Importance of Physical Security in the Workplace. (2022, Sep 16). Retrieved from

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