Critical Essay Sample on Grain Brain by David Perlmutter

Published: 2023-01-16
Critical Essay Sample on Grain Brain by David Perlmutter
Type of paper:  Book review
Categories:  Medicine Literature review American literature
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 885 words
8 min read

"Grain Brain" was best sellers topping the list according to the New York Times. Hence, this proves that there was a significant public interest in the topic. After reading the book, I came to some fascinating findings.

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The primary foundation of the book is that the consumption of carbohydrates stimulates the production of insulin. This, in turn, leads to fat production, retention, and the reduction in the ability to burn fat." One interesting fact is that this generalization is dominant across the whole book. Also, there is no clear distinction between "high-glycemic and low-glycemic carbohydrates, both of which have distinct effects on insulin and blood sugar regulation. In the book, Perlmutter argues that the only way to control insulin and blood sugar levels is through the consumption of a low carbohydrate diet. But according to nutritionists, a low-glycemic and high-carbohydrate can also help in the regulation of insulin and blood sugar. For instance, spinach is high in carbohydrate, but a large percentage of carbohydrates from spinach is fiber, which does not raise blood sugar since it has zero glycemia value; the reason being fiber is a non-digestible carbohydrate. This implies that eating spinach alone may never raise one's blood sugar.

A great deal of the contention all through Grain Brain depends on the perception of the old individuals' weight control plans, and that anthropological proof recommends they didn't experience the ill effects of neurological sickness. Nonetheless, it merits featuring that the antiquated people who were seeker gatherer progenitors had a much lower future. Studies have revealed changes, possibly unfriendly, in gut microbiota because of a without gluten diet because of the decrease in the admission of normally happening fructans, which have prebiotic impacts. Macrobiotic nature can prompt expanded irritation. In addition, the boo goes ahead to explain that when coeliacs change to without gluten eats fewer carbs, a significant number of them put on weight, become insulin safe, create fundamental irritation, and hint at metabolic disorder.

Consequently, Perlmutter's simplification of the word "carbohydrates" implies that all carbohydrates can stimulate insulin production, but this is not correct. The reason why Perlmutter's argument is not valid is that it ignores that high-carb foods do not always have high sugar or starch content. Furthermore, he goes on to explain that carbohydrates, when consumed, are responsible for increasing blood sugar; this, in turn, causes an increase in insulin production, and it causes insulin resistance. Insulin resistance, an antecedent of type 2 diabetes, affects the body cell's ability to absorb glucose; this causes glucose to remain in the blood system, thus causing swelling.

Interestingly, "Grain Brain" only contains 18 pages of references with huge contents from blogs, magazines, and non-scientific sources. This compares to the 20 pages of index terms and a 43-page plan with a list of supplements to buy and recommended recipes for a carbohydrate-free life. This may provide readers with practical steps for a carbohydrate-free life, but little scientific evidence to support why they should choose such a restrictive diet. the author focuses on health outcomes throughout the book, and not weight loss, which is a positive deviation from typical diet messages. the writer's views on carbohydrates may be extreme, but is encouraging people to review their diets and is promoting a low sugar diet void of processed foods and high in vegetables, good quality protein, healthy fats, along with a glass of red wine a day. The Perlmutter does not mention the neurotoxic effects of acetaldehydes.

In his writing, Perlmutter links inflammation and insulin resistance to the development of plaques, which are common in diseased brains, most common in "Alzheimer diseases." He also goes on to describe the relationship between brain disease "type 3 diabetes" and high insulin level in the body. Even though this argument seems logical, what the author fails to recognize is the evidence suggesting that specific carbohydrates can regulate the insulin responsible for the regulation of blood sugar. For instance, barely a high-carb, low glycemic grain can regulate the blood glucose level. In addition, medics argue that whole grains are actually beneficial in maintaining a healthy weight since being overweight can cause "type 2 diabetes."

Another factor is that Perlmutter strongly believes that a large number of people are gluten intolerant, but he argues that only a few are aware. This belief is inconsistent with scientific research, which argues that 13% of the total population has "non-coeliac gluten." In the explanation of his theory, he argues that sensitivity to gluten not only causes swelling in the gut but also in the brain. This either could be migraine or headache, or other brain diseases. Based on this line of thought, the book strongly discourages people from stopping consuming gluten regardless of the ostensible signs. The big question which remains is, is this the best advice? No. Microbiota in the gut is as a result of taking a gluten-free diet, and it occurs due to the reduction of naturally occurring "Fructans" mostly found in wheat. Macrobiotics imbalances increase swelling. Besides, when people switch to a gluten-free diet, they; become insulin resistant, gain extra weight, and develop metabolic syndrome and systematic inflammation. As a final point, it is correct to say that gluten-free has no guarantee of health or low inflammation.

Work Cited

Perlmutter, David. Grain brain: the surprising truth about wheat, carbs, and sugar-your brain's silent killers. Hachette UK, 2018.

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Critical Essay Sample on Grain Brain by David Perlmutter. (2023, Jan 16). Retrieved from

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